Díky všem za výběr, je to příjemné osvěžení pro mozek zavařený z adventního kalendáře :-)
Super výběr, díky. :)
The Good Place bylo tenhle týden perfektní, tak tady přidám ještě jednu, co se už nevešla :)
(Kvůli jejich bezpečí jsou Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani a Jason přeneseni Michaelem a Janet do jejího světa, nekonečné prázdnoty. Když je sem přenesen i Michael, raduje se, že všechno vyšlo podle plánů. Poté si ale všimne, že vedle něj stojí 5x Janet.)
Janet: Michaele, na lidi to mělo nějaké vedlejší účinky.
Janet/Eleanor: Kámo, proč je tady tolikrát Janet? A proč já zním jako Janet?
Janet/Chidi: Dokonce i vypadáš jako Janet? Vypadám tak i já? Proč? Co? Co se to děje?
Janet/Tahani: (Začne sama sebe prohlížet?) Ale ne, mám na sobě vestu? Michaele, pomoz mi!
Michael: Tohle bude problem. Jak je od sebe rozlišíme? (Jedna z Janet si začne ukazovat na prsa a hloupě se smát) Dobrá, tak tohle je Jason.
Janet: Michael, there may have been some side effects for the humans.
Janet/Eleanor: Dude, why are there so many Janets? And why do I sound like Janet?
Janet/Chidi: You also look like Janet. Do I? Why? What? What is happening?
Janet/Tahani: Oh no, am I wearing a west? Ooh, Michael, help me!
Michael: This is going to be tricky. How do we even tell them apart? Okay, that one’s Jason.
pridávam ešte jednu z HFO, ktorú som nemala to srdce rozdeliť a použiť len časť z nej
(Tím vyšteruje vraždu mladého muža, ktorý bojoval so zločinom v maske Guardiana.)
Danny: I-I get... wanting to make a difference, okay? That's why I became a cop. But you got to be a real specific kind of psycho to want to put on, you know, tights and fight crime. There's got to be something wrong with you.
Steve: I don't know.
Danny You don't know?
Steve: Well, I mean, I kind of get the appeal-- I mean, who didn't grow up wanting to be Batman? You know what I mean?
Danny I-I didn't want to be Batman.
Steve: Or Robin, whatever.
Danny Didn't-didn't want to be Robin. I'm sure you'd like that. But no. Maybe Superman, right? 'Cause he could, you know... he could fly, and he was bulletproof, shoot lasers out of his eye. Batman was just... Batman was just a guy.
Steve: Exactly. Batman's just a guy-- he wasn't born with superpowers. That guy had to train hard. He had to put in years of work and time and get himself to that... you know, that absolute peak of human conditioning so he could save the world.
Danny I mean, he just inherited money. What'd he really do? Inherit money and bought a bunch of Batmobiles. But he's not very special.
Steve: Are you out of your mind? Bruce Wayne's parents were killed right in front him when he was a kid. You're giving him grief for that?
Danny No, I'm not, 'cause he's not even a real person. Okay? All right, when I was a child, I liked superheroes, right? Then I grew up, and I decided I wanted to do other things, like, uh, meet girls and move out of my parents' basement. I adjusted to life as an adult human, like most people... normal people do.
Steve:I just figured it out. I just figured out.
DannyWhat'd you figure out?
Steve: what your superpower is.
Steve: You can irritate people to death.
ahojky, chcem len upozorniť na chybu v hláške zo serialu Hawaii 5-0 v anglickom máte dva krát tú istú repliku :)