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Uživatel od první verze | Cool level: 80 | Dr. Gregory House
9. 7. 2017 / 15:35:29 (před 7 roky)

[b]DOCTOR WHO 10x12[/b]
(Missy a Master spolu tancujú)
Master: So, I imagine you're the next one along, then?
Missy: I think so. I'm a bit hazy on the whole regeneration thing, I'm afraid.
Master: You mean, I'm going to turn into a woman, and you don't even remember it happening?
Missy: Oh! Am I a woman now?
Master: Well, kind of, yeah.
Missy: Hold me!
Master: Kiss me!
Missy: Make me!
Doctor:(sedí pripútaný na stoličke) Do you two want to be alone?

Doctor: The last time I saw you, you were on your way to Gallifrey.
Master: Well, I didn't stay... why would I stay?
Doctor: So they cured your little condition and kicked you out.
[b]Master:[/b] It was a mutual kicking me out.

Missy: The whole city is a machine to turn people into Cybermen. What do you think? Exciting, isn't it? Watching the Cybermen getting started.
Doctor: They always get started. They happen everywhere there's people... Mondas, Telos, Earth, Planet 14, Marinus. Like sewage and smartphones
and Donald Trump... some things are just inevitable.

Master: (vyruší Doctora, ktorý sa rozprával s Bill) Doctor! Right, while you've been here chatting up Robo-Mop, me and... me have been busy. We've found it. (hlasom Mr. Razora začne hovoriť na Bill) Oh, hello, my dear. My God, you were so boring for all those years... ...but it was worth every day of it... (poukáže na to, že z Bill je teraz Cyberman) for this!
Doctor: Bill, don't let him upset you.
Master: Though, didn't you used to be a woman? I'm going to be a woman, fairly soon. Any tips? Or, maybe... I dunno, old bras?

Bill: I can feel it. In my head, the programming. The Cybermen are taking me over, piece by piece. It's like I'm hanging on in a hurricane, and I can't hang on forever.
Doctor: Bill, look, whatever it takes...
Bill: No, I want you to know, as my friend... I don't want to live if I can't be me any more. Do you understand?
Doctor: Yeah.

(Missy prebodla Mastera a ten začal regenerovať.)
Missy: You'll be able to make it back to your TARDIS, maybe even get a cuppa, though it might leak a little.
Master: And then regenerate... into you.
Missy: Welcome to the sisterhood.

(Doctor začína regenerovať, ale snaží sa regeneráciu potlačiť.)
Doctor: Sontarans! Perverting the course of human history. I don't want to go! When the Doctor... When the Doctor... was me! When the Doctor was me.
It's starting, I'm regenerating. No! No! No! No! No! No! (k Tardis) Where have you taken me? If you're trying to make a point, I'm not listening.
I don't want to change again. Never again! I can't keep on being somebody else! Wherever it is, I'm staying! No! I will not change.

(Doctor začína regenerovať, ale snaží sa regeneráciu potlačiť, keď v tom zbadá postavu v diaľke)
Doctor: Hello? Is someone there?
1th Doctor: Who is that?
Doctor: I'm the Doctor.
1th Doctor: The Doctor. Oh, I don't think so. No, dear me, no. You may be a doctor, but I am the Doctor. The original, you might say!

Gallifrey fall no more!
Editováno: 1x | Naposledy: 10. 7. 2017 / 17:34:21
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Uživatel od první verze | Cool level: 17 | Jaime Lannister
9. 7. 2017 / 17:11:12 (před 7 roky)

Úplně jsem čekala, že Master Doctora pošle někam. :D

Never trust a hug. It's just a way to hide your face.
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Redaktor | Cool level: 58 | Buffy Summers
10. 7. 2017 / 11:02:20 (před 7 roky)
verca.sotek napsal(a):

Úplně jsem čekala, že Master Doctora pošle někam. :D

No to čakal myslím každý :DDD Ale bolo vidieť, že u Missy sa pohlo svedomie :P

May the odds be ever in your favor.
Editováno: 1x | Naposledy: 16. 7. 2017 / 01:03:43