Diskuze k článku Hláškoviny
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Uživatel od první verze | Cool level: 80 | Dr. Gregory House
16. 7. 2017 / 14:56:55 (před 7 roky)

(PT, Cosima, Delphine a Susan spolu večerajú.)
Cosima: You have a lot of dead things in here.
PT: Yes, aren't they delightful?
Cosima: Yeah. Did you kill all of them?
Susan: Taxidermy is the fading art of faded species.

(PT, Cosima, Delphine a Susan spolu večerajú.)
PT: And by the way, how are your parents? Cosima.
Cosima: My parents?
PT: Yes. Sally and...
Susan: Gene.
Cosima: Yes, Gene. Well... They, uh... They still think I'm in school in Minnesota. I haven't spoken to them in I don't know how long. Uh, which isn't unusual for us. They're... They're, uh... Professors and they live on a houseboat, so they're pretty remote. Anyway, but... But, um... They're in love. And they love me.
But I haven't even told them I'm sick. Because if I did that, then I'd, you know, crack. And I'd have to tell them everything. I'd have to tell them that I'm a clone.
And then they would know that everything's a lie.

Cameron: Shouldn't you be putting someone in jail?
Peter: Needed a break from my evildoing. Good closing, by the way. A little saccharine for my taste, but that's your thing.
Cameron: My thing?
Peter: Moot court, second year of law school, you could always manipulate the jury, making them feel responsible, even when the facts were against you.
Cameron: Are you saying the facts in this case were against me?
Peter: Yeah, some of them.
Cameron: My client never should've been charged with a crime. And you know that.
Peter: Look, it's obvious we have two very different viewpoints. That's good. Maybe it'd be productive for us to sit down, discuss these issues over drinks.
Not a date. I'm just trying to open an honest dialogue between prosecutor and defense attorney. And maybe like... 10% a date.
Cameron: I can agree to 10%. The rest is just two old friends catching up.

(Tania preruší prebiehajúcu poradu.)
Tanya: Billy Brennan's here. Looking very handsome in a slim-cut navy blazer that accentuates the blue in his eyes.
Sadie: Tanya.
Tanya: Would it be inappropriate to ask for a selfie?

(Eugene stretne v pekle Hitlera.)
Eugene: Jste Hitler.
Hitler: Ano.
Eugene: Jste Hitler.
Hitler: Ano.
Eugene: Zabil jste... miliony lidí.
Hitler: Udělal jsem příšerné věci.

Gallifrey fall no more!
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Dlouholetý uživatel | Cool level: 21 | Phil Dunphy
16. 7. 2017 / 15:00:37 (před 7 roky)

díky ta hlášky :)
přidávám ještě jednu z Preachera

Jesse: Anyway, this woman last night? She told me about some secret organization with designs on world domination? You know about that?
Cass: Yeah. Sure, which one? Is it Z.O.G.? Rosicrucians, Reptilians? Secret society of alien lizards. They impersonate celebrities in an attempt to take over the planet through popular culture. Is that it?
Jesse: No.
Cass: Right.
Jesse: The one I was told about, the guys were wearing white suits.
Cass: Yeah?
Jesse: They drive white vans. Maybe some sort of religious organization?
Cass: White suits. I don't know about that, Padre. It sounds pretty fake to me.

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Dlouholetý uživatel | Cool level: 32 | Debra Morgan
17. 7. 2017 / 07:05:18 (před 7 roky)

Měla jsem pocit, že toho teď moc neběží - a hele, kolik hlášek se vám povedlo vyšťourat :-D Díky všem za výběr v článku i v diskuzi :-)

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Uživatel od první verze | Cool level: 80 | Dr. Gregory House
17. 7. 2017 / 09:42:51 (před 7 roky)
Nira napsal(a):

Měla jsem pocit, že toho teď moc neběží - a hele, kolik hlášek se vám povedlo vyšťourat :-D Díky všem za výběr v článku i v diskuzi :-)

no aj beží,aj nebeží =D určite menej oproti sezóne september-máj, ale už sa to trochu zapĺňa a možnosti na výber sa nám rozširujú =D

Gallifrey fall no more!