Coach Finstock! :D on je chodící hláška :D co slovo to perla
Z BoT bych vybral tuto hlášku...This is Jon Snow :-)
Mehal napsal(a):
Z BoT bych vybral tuto hlášku...This is Jon Snow :-)
A presne z dôvodu, že je vtipná, tak som ju nevybrala. Idem proti prúdu, nech miestny hnidopichovia majú do čoho rýpať :D :D
Olivia Caroline Jones napsal(a):
Coach Finstock! :D on je chodící hláška :D co slovo to perla
asi tak =D ten chlap nemá chybu =D
phoboska napsal(a):
A presne z dôvodu, že je vtipná, tak som ju nevybrala. Idem proti prúdu, nech miestny hnidopichovia majú do čoho rýpať :D :D
len tak ďalej =D
(Felix bude mať vernisáž svojej výstavy. Sarah sa o tom rozpráva s Cosimou a Delphine cez video chat. )
Felix: (Cosime) And I'm really sorry that you can't come close.
Cosima: What? Why can't I come?
Fee: How are you gonna come? You're gonna dress up as Sarah? This is my first show in two years; I'm not gonna have any kind of sestra shenanigans. I can't do it.
(Felix má vernisáž svojej výstavy, na ktorú príde aj Colin.)
Felix: Oh, this is my, uh... (pozrie na Alison) foster sister, Sarah.
Alison: (so zlým britským prízvukom) You, uh... you're Colin then? Cool! Very cool! You alright?
Colin: Yes, I-I remember the time I ID'd your dead body.
Felix: Yes, but we got over that, didn't we, Colin?
(Scott pôsobí na škole ako asistent trénera a dohliada na tréning.)
Boy: (na Scotta) Thanks, Coach.
Finstock: Assistant Coach. What exactly are you doing?
Scott: Drills.
Finstock: You're giving them hope. When did I ever give you hope?
Scott: Never.
Finstock: Exactly. Nothing motivates more than withering criticism.
Malia: Wolves or werewolves?
Lydia: They said wolves.
Malia: Not interested. You go.
[/b]Lydia: Liam was asking for help from the werecoyote, not the banshee.
[b]Malia: Why me?
Lydia: Because you're the former animal. Nobody understands mysterious animal situations like you do.
Malia: I'm done with mysterious animal situations. I want mysterious men. French ones.
(Malia sa chystá do Paríža a jej let bol presmerovaný.)
Lydia: Your flight's delayed.
Malia: No, no, it's rerouted. There's a difference.
Lydia: Delayed is what happens when your flight is rerouted. So you have plenty of time to help. (na stránke kde Malia sleduje svoj let sa zobrazil nový odkaz) And there's a storm system shutting down Charles de Gaulle Airport.
Malia: It's a minor shower.
(Malia sa chystá do Paríža, keď sa pred jej izbou objavia Scott s Lydiou.)
Malia: No! No, no, no, no, no, no. It's just rats. Rats and wolves, and maybe a little bug problem.
Lydia: We need you.
Malia: And I need Paris.
Lydia: Paris has been around for 2,000 years. It's not going anywhere.
Pridávam jeden z GOT :)
Daenerys:Are you trying to pass your own statements off as ancient wisdom?
Tyrion: I would never do that… To you.
"Oh noo... what a twat. Does she like it gentle or rough? A finger in the bum? Shh, not now, we'll talk later."
Euron je psychopat. :D
La.Volpe napsal(a):
"Oh noo... what a twat. Does she like it gentle or rough? A finger in the bum? Shh, not now, we'll talk later."
Euron je psychopat. :D
Na tom všetkom bol ale najlepší Jaimeho výraz tváre, ten bol naozaj na nezaplatenie :D
Ještě bych přidala z teen wolf
Coach: If you don't get Dunbar out here in three, this will be your last day as assistant coach.
Scott: This is my last day as assistant coach.
Coach: I can still dock your pay.
Scott: I'm a volunteer! You want my whistle?
Coach: Who gave you a whistle?
Android z dark matter nikdy v hláškách nezklame;-)