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Uživatel od první verze | Cool level: 80 | Dr. Gregory House
13. 8. 2017 / 14:58:05 (před 7 roky)

(Sarah má preslov na pohrebe Siobhan.)
Sarah: Some of you know more of what we've been through than others. But you all knew S... didn't go anywhere without a fight. And that fight was for all of us. Her people. Her network. Her family. She wrote us a letter, the three of us, before she was taken. (Kira sa rozplače a Felix si zoberie list od Sarah)
Felix: "Just remember, my loves... Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped into the next room. You can call me by my old familiar name. Put no sorrow in your tone.
I promise we will laugh at this difficult parting when we meet again. All my love. S."

(Scott, Lydia a Malia nájdu pri tele mŕtveho Hellhounda guľku, na ktorej je vyrezaný fleur-de-lis. Narazia pri tom aj na Stlesovho otca, ale o guľke mu nepovedia.)
Lydia: (všetci traja sedia v aute) Why didn't you say anything?
Scott: Why didn't you say anything?
Malia: Why didn't either of you say anything? Wait, was I supposed to say something?

(Scott a Malia nájdu Chrisa Argenta, ktorý mal schôdzku s mužmi Majora Delaneiho.)
Chris: How did you find me?
Malia: He did it.
Scott: You left your computer in the bunker.
Chris: Ah. I guess I need a new password.

(Scott, Malia a Lydia narazili minulú noc v lese na šerifa a jeho skupinu a Scott sa takmer pred nimi premenil.)
Malia: What the hell happened last night?
Scott: Yeah. I get it, I freaked out. Which freaked you out.
Malia: So you admit that you freaked out? Wait a minute, I didn't freak out.
Scott: You haven't been trying to get me to talk because you're freaked out that I freaked out?
Malia: No, I've been trying to get you to talk because, you know, I'm... Well, I'm worried about you.
Scott: Uh, I'm okay. Thanks.

Malia: I was hunted by my dad.
Scott: I was hunted by my girlfriend's dad.

(Tulip nemôže spať tak si listuje v časopise.)
Cassidy: Y'know, me brother used to get night terrors. Me ma'd fix 'im something called a "Celtic Sandman." Dram of whiskey, dram of honey, just a pellet or two of rat poison. Couple of swigs of that, you'll sleep so hard you won't even dream.

(Olivia a Lem natrafia v bare na jeho upírskych kamarátov Zacka a Piu.)
Olivia: Well, you guys all have a lot of catching up to do. I feel a migraine coming on. (otočí sa a odíde. Lem sa vydá za ňou)
Lem: You don't have a migraine, do you?
Olivia: You guys have fun. I'll see you later. When they're gone. (pozrie sa na Zacka a Piu) See you in the morning. Oh, wait, I won't.

(Za Lemom príde jeho kamarát Zach, ktorý je tiež upír.)
Olivia: Speaking of blood... Ground rules?
Lem: No feeding on Midnighters or anyone in the county, for that matter. And locals are off-limits.
Zack: I understand. (ukáže sáčok s krvou) We bring our meals to go.

Gallifrey fall no more!
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Dlouholetý uživatel | Cool level: 31 | des. Walter 'Radar' O'Reilly
13. 8. 2017 / 15:47:52 (před 7 roky)

GoT a Zoo mě rozsekalo :)

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Dlouholetý uživatel | Cool level: 3 | Alexandr 'Lexa' Bůček
13. 8. 2017 / 17:26:35 (před 7 roky)

Rick and Morty
3x03 Pickle Rick

Beth: Vy nevidíte, co se děje?
Dr. Wong: Povězte mi to.
Beth: Nuže, doktorko Wongová...Fakt rasistické jméno. Morty a Summer očividně využívají vaší posedlosti okurkami, aby se vyhnuli vlastní terapii.
Dr. Wong: Podle mne je ten okurkový incident skvělou cestou k jádru oné dysfunkce. Domnívám se, že se svým otcem máte specifický vztah. Podle mne si necení emocí, ba naopak, dokonce je trestá. Zároveň mohlo jít o příčinu krachu vašeho manželství a vaše děti kvůli němu skrývají vlastní emoce.
Beth: Nasrat.
Morty, Summer: Mami!
Beth: A vy si taky naserte.

Beth: Do you really not see what's happening here?
Dr. Wong: Tell me.
Beth: Well, Dr. Wong...By the way, racist name. Obviously, Morty and Summer are seizing on your arbitrary obsession as an end run around what was supposed to be their therapy.
Dr. Wong: Oh, I think this pickle incident is a better path than any other to the heart of your family's dysfunction. I think it's possible that you and your father have a very specific dynamic. I don't think it's one that rewards emotion or vulnerability. I think it may punish them. I think it's possible that dynamic eroded your marriage, and is infecting your kids with tendency to misdirect their feelings.
Beth: Fuck you.
Morty, Summer: Mom!
Beth: Fuck both of you, too.