(Joe a Gordon skúšajú nový webový prehliadač.)
Joe: It still feels random. I searched "Dallas plus Cowboys," I'm sure the first hit is a crappy NFL fan site, but the second site that comes up?
Gordon: Yeah, well, maybe Rover knows you don't give a shit about football?
(Victoria chce usporiadať bál.)
Prime Minister: I wonder, ma'am, given the considerable discontent among the lower orders at the moment, whether a ball might be... misconstrued.
Victoria: Misconstrued, Prime Minister?
Prime Minister: I'm thinking of Marie Antoinette, the late Queen of France, ma'am, who, when the Paris mob demanded bread, replied, "Let them eat cake."
Victoria: If I were a member of the lower orders... I might blame the Prime Minister, who supports the Corn Laws that make bread unaffordable, for my misfortunes.
(Strike ostal sedieť v prenajatom aute na železničnej stanici a nemá ho odtiaľ kto odviesť, tak osloví okoloidúcu ženu.)
Strike: Excuse me. Do you know how to drive?
Woman: I'll pay you 20 quid if you drive me home in this car.
Strike: And why can't you do it?
Woman: I've only got one leg and my driver had to go home. Do you want more money or is it the situation as a whole that's making you hesitate?
Rick a Morty :D :D
Tak ešte jedna od Strike :D
(Liz mala chrípku a jej asistent Ralph bol venčiť jej psa.)
Ralph: Není mu moc dobře.
Liz: Ja vím, padají z něj hotové balvany. Dej mu vlákninu. A ještě... (chvíľku rozmýšľa) Mátový čaj.
Ralph: (začudovane) Na jeho zažívání?
Liz: Na můj krk. Proč psovi, proboha?
Díky všem za hlášky v článku i komentářích :-) Dnes hlavně za Strike - těším na The Silkworm: Part 2, zpracování se opravdu moc povedlo :-)
Tiež pridám jednu hlášku zo Strike :)
Robin: You have to read this... Look at the last chapter.
Cormoran: You've finished it already?
Robin: Well, I skipped to the end. I always do.
Musím přiznat, že Mlčoch mě rozesmál...