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Uživatel od první verze | Cool level: 80 | Dr. Gregory House
15. 10. 2017 / 15:15:53 (před 7 roky)

Louise Fisher: Excuse me, Captain Pena...
Captain Pena: I just told you, I have nothing further to say to the press at this time.
Louise Fisher: Okay, well, I'm not the press.
Captain Pena:Callisto Aerospace? You work for the billionaire who wants to build a hotel on the Moon?
Louise Fisher: It's a base, not a hotel. The hotel would come later.

(Donna balí staré poháre po Gordonovej babke.)
Donna: Uh, these are Gordon's grandmother's. Gonna save them for the girls. Christ, I keep saying that. I don't even know if they'll care about any of this stuff. They will. Yeah, or they'll just... put them in a box, put the box in the attic, and then, when they die, their kids will pull it out and say, "I guess we should save this for our kids."

(Claire trávi posledné Vianoce s Rogerom a Briannou predtým než sa zase vydá cez kamene za Jamiem.)
Claire: (drží krabičku s mincami) These certainly will be useful in Edinburgh.
Brianna: I wanted to get you a flashlight, but Roger said you'd end up at another witch trial.

(Claire sa chystá na ďalšiu cestu cez kamene, aby sa zase po 20 rokoch stretla s Jamiem a lúči sa s Briannou a Rogerom.)
Brianna: I can't believe you're not letting me come with you to Scotland.
Claire: This is how I want to do it. First time I went through, I was terrified. Second time, heartbroken. This time, I want it to be peaceful. If I had to say good-bye to you there... I might never go.

Claire: When I was small, I never wanted to step in puddles. I couldn't bring myself to believe that the perfect, smooth expanse was no more than a thin film of water over solid earth. I believed it was an opening into some fathomless space and if I stepped in, I would drop at once and keep on falling. Even now, when I see a puddle in my path, my mind half halts, though my feet do not, and I hurry on...

(Danny chce aby im dodával balenú vodu do ich reštaurácie jeho strýko z New Jersey, proti čomu je Steve.)
Steve: No, I'm gonna have to exercise my veto on this one.
Danny: You don't have a veto. I have a Vito. I... I have...
Steve: Okay.
Danny: He's my uncle. And he's my uncle, and he's gonna send us water. That's the only Vito that's gonna be exercised.
Steve: You asked me to be your business partner. It's like a marriage. It's gotta be 50/50 if it's gonna work.
Danny: What do you know about marriage? You been married?
Steve: No, never been divorced, either.

Danny: It's wat... What do you care where it comes from? It's water. What do you care?
Steve: Number one, the shipping costs, but most of all, it's about you not considering my feelings.
Danny: Your feelings?
Steve: Yeah, my feelings.
Danny: You're like a sensitive flower. I'm gonna change the subject.
Steve: Okay.
Danny: 'Cause I'm very uncomfortable when it comes to your feelings.

Danny: You like this dog, huh?
Steve: What?
Danny: I said you like this dog.
Steve: Yeah, he's a nice dog.
Danny: No, what I mean is... you have an attachment to this dog. Which is dangerous because the dog is gonna have a new home soon, right?
Steve: That's right. That's right, Danny. And, for the record, I'm not attached.
]Danny: Oh, no?
Steve: No.
Danny: Oh, okay, 'cause you-you're chopping free-range chicken... for the dog, and you're about to put it in your favorite cereal bowl, so...
Steve: What am I gonna do, cook two meals? He eats what I eat.

Maggie: You've always been like a father to me. And, J'onn, I choose you to be my family.And I want, if you will, to have you walk me down the aisle. (Hankovi začnú slziť oči) Stop, don't cry. If you cry, I'm gonna cry, and then everybody here is gonna know that we actually can cry.

Gallifrey fall no more!
Editováno: 1x | Naposledy: 15. 10. 2017 / 15:16:42
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Dlouholetý uživatel | Cool level: 32 | Debra Morgan
15. 10. 2017 / 21:36:27 (před 7 roky)

Pěkný výběr, díky všem. Asi si konečně najdu chvilku a mrknu na Outlander.

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Uživatel od první verze | Cool level: 80 | Dr. Gregory House
17. 10. 2017 / 11:12:31 (před 7 roky)
Nira napsal(a):

Pěkný výběr, díky všem. Asi si konečně najdu chvilku a mrknu na Outlander.

neni zač =D určite si ju nájdi =D

Gallifrey fall no more!