Diskuze k článku Hláškoviny
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Uživatel od první verze | Cool level: 80 | Dr. Gregory House
29. 10. 2017 / 15:54:09 (před 7 roky)

(Steve sa prišiel pozrieť na Juniora na cvičisko.)
Steve: How's he doing?
Coach: The truth?
Steve: Yeah.
Coach: I don't think he's HPD material.
Steve: Wait a minute. You serious? He's going through it right now. Give him a couple of days, let him settle in.
Coach: No, no, it's not that. In fact, he might be the best raw talent I've ever had as a recruit. This kid has got speed, strength, agility-- the whole package.
Steve: So, what's the problem? Why isn't he HPD material?
Coach: He reminds me of you, McGarrett.

(Steve sa vybral kupovať pec do jeho reštaurácie s Danny a Lou mu pritom robí spoločnosť. Steve však chce kúpiť použitú rúru a nie novú.)
Steve: Let me explain something to you, okay? This right here, this is the Cadillac of industrial ovens. Now, you can't get one of these for less than ten grand. But for today only, Danny and I can have for a quarter of the price. How do I not pull the trigger on that?
Lou: You're talking to a brother from Chicago, so you had me at Cadillac. All right. And I'm not saying it's not a good deal. I'm just saying... maybe you ought to loop your partner in on this.
Steve: No, no, no. Danny and I have complete confidence in each other's decision-making abilities.
Lou: Oh, is that right?
Steve: Why you laughing?
Lou: Okay, then. (vytiahne z vrecka mobil)
Steve: What are you doing?
Lou: Oh, I'm just calling Danny, you know, so he can sign off on this. That way, I don't have to hear all the yaketa-yaketa-yaketa for the next month, you know.

(Steveovi volá jeho kontakt Toast.)
Steve: It's Toast. Hey, yo, Toast, what's up, man? Toast. Hey, Toast?
Lou: Oh, he butt-dialed you.
Steve: That upsets me. I knew... I knew he was too big now to call me on purpose.

(Tani má strážiť Aarona Wrighta.)
Aaron: Have we met?
Tani: I saved your ass when you were tied up and covered in gasoline. You know, crying and begging for your life.
Aaron: Oh. Yeah. Not my proudest moment.

Gallifrey fall no more!
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Dlouholetý uživatel | Cool level: 22 | Chandler Bing
29. 10. 2017 / 17:39:49 (před 7 roky)

Jen jedna poznámka, mám pocit že v Orville to neříkla Lamarr ale Malloy.

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Dlouholetý uživatel | Cool level: 32 | Debra Morgan
29. 10. 2017 / 21:42:05 (před 7 roky)

Docela jsem se bála, že kvůli vichřici a nefungující elektřině přijdu o svou pravidlenou dávku hlášek. Díky všem za fajn výběr :-)

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Dlouholetý uživatel | Cool level: 3 | Alexandr 'Lexa' Bůček
30. 10. 2017 / 09:58:44 (před 7 roky)
Nira napsal(a):

Docela jsem se bála, že kvůli vichřici a nefungující elektřině přijdu o svou pravidlenou dávku hlášek. Díky všem za fajn výběr :-)

Aj keby traktory padali, my budeme stále hláškovať :D :)

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Uživatel od první verze | Cool level: 80 | Dr. Gregory House
30. 10. 2017 / 16:43:20 (před 7 roky)
San. napsal(a):

Aj keby traktory padali, my budeme stále hláškovať :D :)

asi tak, nás nič nezastaví =D

Gallifrey fall no more!
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Redaktor | Cool level: 75 | poručík Horatio Caine
30. 10. 2017 / 20:34:00 (před 7 roky)
Kahlan napsal(a):

asi tak, nás nič nezastaví =D

Ani nedostatok spánku :D

"I wake pies and make the dead. That was creepy. I make pies and wake the dead." Ned The Piemaker