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Uživatel od první verze | Cool level: 80 | Dr. Gregory House
12. 11. 2017 / 16:05:26 (před 7 roky)

(Jamesa postrelili.)
Winn: James... Jeez, if that bullet had a little more stopping power, your shoulder would be a mess.
James: Yeah. That's what you said last time.

(Jenny neprivítala Claire práve najpriateľskejšie, pretože sa stále na ňu hnevá kvôli tomu, že opustila Jammieho pred 20 rokmi.)
Claire: Yet, perhaps... perhaps we should tell her the truth.
Jamie: We say ye traveled from another time, ye may as well convince her ye're a mermaid.

(Claire zistia, že Jamie sa oženil s Laoghire)
Jamie: Will ye let me explain?
Claire: It's a little late for that.
Jamie: I dinna live with her. She and the girls live at Balriggan. I-I didna think they'd come here. It was a great mistake, the marriage between Laoghaire and me.
Claire: With two children? That... took you quite a long time to figure that out, didn't it?
Jamie: The lassies arna mine. I-I'm not the father.
Claire: Really? That little girl with... the red hair?
Jamie: Well, there are other redheaded men in Scotland, Claire.

(Laoghire postrelila Jamieho. Claire mu úspešne vybrala guľku, ale nechce mu klesnúť horúčka, tak sa mu rozhodne pichnúť injekciu.)
Jamie: (zbadá injekčnú striekačku) What in God's name is that?
Claire: Something that will help bring down your fever. Now, roll over onto your right side.
Jamie: Uh... Yeah, that... that, uh, that looks mighty sharp.
Claire: It is, so you better hold still and relax.
Jamie: Look, will ye please explain why jabbing needles in my arse is going to help my arm?
Claire: Because germs are no match for penicillin.

Gallifrey fall no more!
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Dlouholetý uživatel | Cool level: 32 | Debra Morgan
14. 11. 2017 / 07:10:06 (před 7 roky)

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