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Redaktor | Cool level: 93 | Jack Bauer
19. 11. 2017 / 14:04:40 (před 7 roky)

Ešte sa mi zo Simpsonovcov páčilo:

Líza: Byla bys skvělou starostkou, mami. Máš ve všem pořádek, staráš se o rozpočet a díky tátovi jsi taky expertka na soudní systém.
Homer: Zábavný fakt: když se necháš žalovat, nemusíš jít do poroty.


"Život jak vo videu, dopredu či dozadu, si nepretočím."
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Uživatel od první verze | Cool level: 80 | Dr. Gregory House
19. 11. 2017 / 14:08:57 (před 7 roky)

(Danny zavolal k Steveovi domov ich kamarátov aby s ním pohovorili o jeho zdraví.)
Steve: What are all these people doing in my house?
Danny: Intervention.
Steve: What?
Danny: I knew that, um, if I were to tell you, “Steve, you need to work on lowering your stress levels,” that you're gonna make fun of me and bust my chops, so I decided to bring in backup, and, uh, that's what this is.

celá verzia scény
(Danny najal konzultantku, ktorá bude celý deň chodiť so Steveom, pozorovať ho, aby mu mohla poradiť ako sa môže o seba starať, predísť stresu.)
Chloe: Well, if we have a few minutes, I'd like to talk about what happened at the crime scene.
Steve: Don't worry, all right? (Chloe sa pri pohľade na mŕtve telo povracala) I mean, you had a perfectly normal, human reaction to what is a horrible thing--
a gruesome death-- okay? So don't think about it.
Chloe: Oh, yeah, I-I did, but you barely blinked, and-and I'm a little concerned about that. I think it might be a good idea to start talking about how what you see
at a crime scene makes you feel.
Steve: Sorry, just to be clear, you want me to stop down and talk about my feelings every time I see a dead body? Is that what you mean?
Chloe:Okay, well, um, I mean, how about relationships? Are you seeing anyone or...?
Steve:I am. I am. I'm seeing a nice young woman. Her name's Lynn. She's, uh... We've been seeing each other on and off for a while now.
Chloe: Oh, well, good, good. And I'm assuming you guys are... intimate?
Steve: Intimate? You mean...
Chloe: Well, sex-- it can be a terrific stress reliever.
Steve: Yeah. Right.
Chloe: You know, so, um... are you having regular sex?
Danny: (začnú sa so Steveom smiať) Are you having regular sex?
Steve:I... It's a little... I just... I'm sorry, but it's... a little personal.
Chloe: oh, no.
Steve: Is that... is this...
Danny: Oh, don't be embarrassed. Everybody does it.
Steve: Yeah, we're having regular sex.
Chloe: Oh, good.
Steve: Yeah, it is good.
Chloe:: Um... how often?
Steve: I don't know.
Chloe: You know, just a-a... a little ballpark...
Steve: Ballpark. Okay. Uh... five times a week, I guess.
Danny:: Oh, all right, with the “five times a week.”
Steve: Excuse me?
Danny: Okay, that's an inaccurate number.
Steve: How would you know how many times I'm having sex a week?
Danny: Because Lynn speaks to Melissa, and then Melissa shares with me. "Five times.”
Steve: Why are you and your girlfriend discussing our sex life?
Danny: He has sex twice a week, and three at the most, and that's if it's someone's birthday or something.

Steve: What's wrong with you?
Danny: Me?
Steve: Yeah, you.
Danny: I didn't... I didn't say anything.
Steve: I'm asking what's wrong. Usually by now, you've said something hilarious like: “Hey, Steve, it's not the DeLorean time machine. You know, we don't have to get it up to 88”"
Danny: That's actually funny.
Steve: Or maybe, uh: “Hey, can you turn up the radio”" I say, “Why?” You say, “'Cause I'm pretty sure I just heard the GPS lady say she wants to get out”.

(Kamekona prinesie Chloe šalát s krevetami.)
Grover: What in the hell is that? I didn't know you had anything green on that truck. What is it, a secret menu item or something?
Kamekona: Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. You need to learn how to ask the right questions, OG.
Danny: Can I have a chili dog?
Kamekona: No.

Gallifrey fall no more!
Editováno: 1x | Naposledy: 19. 11. 2017 / 14:10:04
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Uživatel od první verze | Cool level: 80 | Dr. Gregory House
19. 11. 2017 / 14:11:01 (před 7 roky)

a ešte jedna z Modern Family

(Claire sa chystá zúčastniť behu a Alex ju plánuje podporiť.)
Alex: I'm using my mom as a subject for my stupid psych paper because I started too late to sign out a monkey. It's about positive versus negative reinforcement. First half of the race... "You can do it, Mom!" Second half... "It's not your day, lady!" Thankfully, after it's done, I'll still be able to give out the banana I bought.

Gallifrey fall no more!
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Dlouholetý uživatel | Cool level: 32 | Debra Morgan
20. 11. 2017 / 23:02:30 (před 7 roky)

Moc hezký výběr, díky všem :-)