Diskuzní fórum
Netrpíme sprostá slova.
V diskuzi netolerujeme nic, co odporuje platným zákonům ČR, tedy žádný warez a podobně!
Jeden vykřičník a jeden otazník je až dost. Nemusíš jich udělat deset za sebou. To samé platí o smajlících.
Čeština má nějaká pravidla, tak by bylo fajn je dodržovat.
CAPS LOCK je zlo.
Pavlus napsal(a):
praveze bez... protoze sme zadny nekoupili...
jaaj, sem se tak prejedla...
Začíná zapadat slunce...
But with all great things comes a great responsibility, That of Cloudsdale's being weather stability. How, you ask, are they up to the task, To which the answer is in a simple facility...
Logan napsal(a):
Začíná zapadat slunce...
a ty zacinas konecne poradne ozivat, co? jdes na lov dneska?
Pavlus napsal(a):
a ty zacinas konecne poradne ozivat, co? jdes na lov dneska?
V sobotu...
But with all great things comes a great responsibility, That of Cloudsdale's being weather stability. How, you ask, are they up to the task, To which the answer is in a simple facility...
Pavlus napsal(a):
az v sobotu? a kam?
Do Brna. Na privát...
But with all great things comes a great responsibility, That of Cloudsdale's being weather stability. How, you ask, are they up to the task, To which the answer is in a simple facility...
Logan napsal(a):
Do Brna. Na privát...
sakris to se mi zrovna nehodi, to prijede kamos, nechces to nechat na jindy?
Pavlus napsal(a):
sakris to se mi zrovna nehodi, to prijede kamos, nechces to nechat na jindy?
No dobře, tak půjdu někam, kde mají železnici...
But with all great things comes a great responsibility, That of Cloudsdale's being weather stability. How, you ask, are they up to the task, To which the answer is in a simple facility...
Logan napsal(a):
No dobře, tak půjdu někam, kde mají železnici...
pockej, proc zeleznici?
Pavlus napsal(a):
pockej, proc zeleznici?
Přemýšlej, studente...
But with all great things comes a great responsibility, That of Cloudsdale's being weather stability. How, you ask, are they up to the task, To which the answer is in a simple facility...