Diskuzní fórum
Netrpíme sprostá slova.
V diskuzi netolerujeme nic, co odporuje platným zákonům ČR, tedy žádný warez a podobně!
Jeden vykřičník a jeden otazník je až dost. Nemusíš jich udělat deset za sebou. To samé platí o smajlících.
Čeština má nějaká pravidla, tak by bylo fajn je dodržovat.
CAPS LOCK je zlo.
Prosím o aktualizaci českých názvů epizod
1. A New Direction (Nový směr)
2. The Big Shake Up (Velké otřesy)
3. The Creature (Bestie)
4. Like Father, Like Son (Jaký otec, takový syn)
5. The Fog (Mlha)
6. The Gift (Dar)
7. The Invisible Enemy (Neviditelný nepřítel)
8. Choices (Volba)
9. The Very Top (Na samém vrcholu)
10. The Boat (Loď)
11. A Road Less Travelled (Ta druhá cesta)
12. The Floating Islands (Létající ostrovy)
13. Memories (Vzpomínky)
14. The Perfect Valley (Dokonalé údolí)
15. The Kwahgum (Kwahgum)
16. Into the Whirlwind (Uvnitř větrného víru)
17. The Argols (Argolové)
18. The Varen (Vareni)
19. The Ghals (Ghalové)
20. The Tower (Věž)
21. The Oxygen Plants (Rostliny života)
22. Bad Omens (Zlá znamení)
23. Garden of Vanishing (Zahrada zmizelých)
24. The Werlog Trap (Past na werloga)
25. The River of the Past (Řeka minulosti)
26. The Hidden Valley (Skryté údolí)
1. série
1. Scoop Saves the Day (Béďa zachraňuje)
2. Travis Paints the Town (Václav pomaluje celé město)
3. Bob Saves the Porcupines (Zachraňte ježky)
4. Pilchard in a Pickle (Micka je v pěkné kaši)
5. Muck Gets Stuck (Muck Gets Stuck)
6. Wendy's Busy Day (Wendy's Busy Day)
7. Bob's Bugle (Bob's Bugle)
8. Buffalo Bob (Bořek z Buffala)
9. Travis and Scoop's Race Day (Václav a Béďa si dávají závody)
10. Bob's Birthday (Bořkovy narozeniny)
11. Naughty Spud (Hugo nezbeda)
12. Scary Spud (Hugo se snaží strašit)
13. Bob's Barnraising (Bořek opravuje starou stodolu)
2. série
1. Spud the Spanner (Spud the Spanner)
2. Wallpaper Wendy (Tina tapetuje)
3. Runaway Roley (Namesíčný Roland)
4. Bob's Big Surprise (Bořek chystá překvapení)
5. Dizzy's Statues (Julie a zahradní sošky)
6. Lofty to the Rescue (Lůďa zachráncem)
7. Wendy's Big Match (Wendy's Big Match)
8. Tea Set Travis (Václav a čajový servis)
9. Dizzy's Birdwatch (Julie hlídá hnizdo)
10. Clocktower Bob (Bořek opravuje věžní hodiny)
11. Pilchard Goes Fishing (Pilchard Goes Fishing)
12. Wendy's Tennis Court (Tina a její tenisové hřiště)
13. Bob's White Christmas (Bořkovy bilé Vánoce)
3. série
1. Bob's Boots (Bořkovy nové boty)
2. Mucky Muck (Mucky Muck)
3. Bob's Day Off (Bořek má den volna)
4. Magnetic Lofty (Lůďa a magnet)
5. Roley's Tortoise (Rolandova želva)
6. Special Delivery Spud (Hugo doručovatel)
7. Pilchard's Breakfast (Snidane pro Micku)
8. Scoop's in Charge (Béďa tomu velí)
9. Scoop Has Some Fun (Béďa si užije zábavu)
10. Dizzy's Crazy Paving (Julčina dlažba)
11. Spud and Squawk (Hugo a vrána)
12. Muck's Sleep-Over (Max spí na statku)
13. Trailer Travis (Traktůrek Václav)
4. série
1. Roley and the Rock Star (Roley and the Rock Star)
2. Scoop's Stegosaurus (Scoop's Stegosaurus)
3. Sneezing Scoop (Sneezing Scoop)
4. Roley's Animal Rescue (Rolland zachraňuje situaci)
5. Scarecrow Dizzy (Z Julči je strašák)
6. One Shot Wendy (One Shot Wendy)
7. Spud Lends a Hand (Spud Lends a Hand)
8. Bob and the Bandstand (Bořek a hudebni podium)
9. Farmer Pickles' Pigpen (Farmer Pickles' Pigpen)
10. Bob on the Run (Bob on the Run)
11. Forget-Me-Knot Bob (Forget-Me-Knot Bob)
12. Scruffy the Detective (Scruffy the Detective)
13. Watercolour Wendy (Watercolour Wendy)
5. série
1. Scruffty's Big Dig (Azorův velký výkop)
2. Inspector Spud (Inspektor Hugo)
3. Cock-a-Doodle Spud (Hugo a kuřátka)
4. Wendy's Surprise Party (Večírek s překvapením)
5. Skateboard Spud (Hugo a skateboard)
6. Muck's Monster (Max a příšera)
7. Spud the Dragon (Z Huga je drak)
8. Pilchard Steals the Show (Micka jde na vystavu)
9. Bob's Hide (Bořkova skrýš)
10. Bob's Auntie (Bořkova tetička)
11. Bob and the Big Freeze (Bořek a velký mráz)
12. Clumsy Roley (Rolík nešika)
13. Eskimo Bob (Eskymák Bořek)
6. série
1. Bob's Pizza (Bořkova pizza)
2. Bob's Metal Detector (Bořkův detektor kovu)
3. Mr. Beasley's DIY Disaster (Kutilske umění pana Duška)
4. Wendy's Removal Service (Týnina stehovaci sluzba)
5. Lofty and the Rabbits (Lůďa a zajíci)
6. Lofty and the Giant Carrot (Lůďa a obrovská mrkev)
7. Bob's Egg and Spoon Race (Bořek závodí s vajíčkem na lžíci)
8. Trix's Tiles (Tomovy tašky)
9. Mr. Sabatini's Smashing Day (Pan Makaroni ma smolný den)
10. Roley to the Rescue (Rolík zachraňuje)
11. Spud's Big Splash (Hugovo velké šplouchnutí)
12. Spud the Musketeer (Hugo mušketýrem)
13. Wendy's Magic Birthday (Týna ma narozeniny)
7. série
1. Mr. Beasley's New Friends (Noví kamarádi pana Duška)
2. Spud The Pilot (Z Huga je pilot)
3. Trix And The Otters (Tom a vydry)
4. Speedy Skip (Rychlý Dan)
5. Mr. Ellis' Exhibition (Výstava pana Lopatky)
6. Bob And The Badgers (Bořek a jezevci)
7. Bob And The Goalie (Bořek a brankář)
8. Dizzy Goes Camping (Julča jede tábořit)
9. Pilchard's Pets (Micčina domácí zvířátka)
10. Snowman Scoop (Sněhulák Béďa)
11. Lofty's Long Load (Lůďuv dlouhý náklad)
12. Hamish's New Home (Pepův nový domov)
13. Dizzy The Sheepdog (Z Julči je ovčácký pes)
8. série
1. Bob The Photographer (Bořek fotografuje)
2. Mr. Bentley’s Trains (Vláčky pana Moudrého)
3. Wendy’s Big Night Out (Týnin slavnostní večer)
4. Racing Muck (Max závodí)
5. Mr. Beasley’s Noisy Pipes (Hlasité potrubí pana Duška)
6. Lofty’s Jungle Fun (Lůďa a zábavná džungle)
7. Ballroom Bob (Bořkův taneční sál)
8. Molly’s Fashion Show (Módní přehlídka Mili)
9. Spud And The Doves (Hugo a holoubci)
10. First Aid Molly (Mili poskytuje první pomoc)
11. Mr. Bentley: Dog Sitter (Pan Moudrý se stará o pejska)
12. Travis Gets Lucky (Váša má štěstí)
13. Scruffty On Guard (Azor hlídá)
14. Discovery (Discovery)
české názvy z odposlechu z epizod, které mám, není to komplet
UPRAVENO - české překlady zbylých epizod (série 6-8) doplním později z odposlechu
Série 1
1. Hledá se kuchař / Odklízení písku / Čaj s veverkou (Help Wanted / Reef Blower / Tea at the Treedome)
2. Bubliny na prodej / Prasklé kalhoty (Bubblestand / Ripped Pants)
3. Nejlepší den / Recept na Krabí hanbáč (Jellyfishing / Plankton!)
4. To jsou ale sousedi! / Řidičský test (Naughty Nautical Neighbors / Boating School)
5. Doručíme pizzu / Ananase, sladký ananase (Pizza Delivery / Home Sweet Pineapple)
6. Hrdinové v důchodu / Správný postup (Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy / Pickles)
7. Hlídka / Večírek s medůzami (Hall Monitor / Jellyfish Jam)
8. Výlet na měsíc / Boty pro šéfkuchaře (Sandy's Rocket / Squeaky Boots)
9. Návrat k přírodě / Všechno naopak (Nature Pants / Opposite Day)
10. Sraz talentů / Život je zábava (Culture Shock / F.U.N.)
11. Falešné svaly / Zlý duch, Sépiák (MuscleBob BuffPants / Squidward the Unfriendly Ghost)
12. Garde / Zaměstnanec měsíce (The Chaperone / Employee of the Month)
13. Halloween / Pozor na hlemíždě (Scaredy Pants / I Was a Teenage Gary)
14. Výlet do budoucnosti / Ať žije karate (SB-129 / Karate Choppers)
15. Výlet do snů / Chřipka (Sleepy Time / Suds)
16. Veselý valentýn / Výměnný obchod (Valentine's Day / The Paper)
17. Cesta za pokladem / Černočerné dno (Arrgh! / Rock Bottom)
18. Texas / Na velikosti záleží (Texas / Walking Small)
19. Není apríl, jako apríl / Neptunova obracečka (Fools in April / Neptune's Spatula)
20. Háčky / Supermořec a Ploutvokluk 2 (Hooky / Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II)
Série 2
1. Zavazovaní tkaniček / Sépiák má volno (Your Shoe's Untied / Squid's Day Off)
2. Něco tady smrdí! / Velká šéfová (Something Smells / Bossy Boots)
3. Velký růžový trouba / Bublinový kamarád (Big Pink Loser / Bubble Buddy)
4. Smrtelný koláč / Krabí imitace (Dying for Pie / Imitation Krabs)
5. Červík / Nová móda (Wormy / Patty Hype)
6. Pusinky od babičky / Chapadlomice (Grandma's Kisses / Squidville)
7. Týden před hybernací / Těžký život zlodějů (Prehibernation Week / Life of Crime)
8. Vánoční speciál - První vánoce (Christmas Who?)
9. Zimní spánek / Zrada (Survival of the Idiots / Dumped)
10. Pirát silnic / Fanoušek až za hrob (No Free Rides / I'm Your Biggest Fanatic)
11. Supermořec a Ploutvokluk 3 / Veverky jsou k smíchu (Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy III / Squirrel Jokes)
12. Kdo je lepší? / Za všechno může burák (Pressure / The Smoking Peanut)
13. Loď duchů / Koupání Geryho (Shanghaied / Gary Takes a Bath)
14. Výtej u Kamarádského kyblíku / Špatná kopie (Welcome to the Chum Bucket / Frankendoodle)
15. Krabice s tajemstvím / Sépiákova kapela (The Secret Box / Band Geeks)
16. Noční směna / Zamilovaný Krabs (Graveyard Shift / Krusty Love)
17. Zdržování / Kdo je tu hlupák? (Procrastination / I'm with Stupid)
18. Jazyk námořníků / Neznámý autor (Sailor Mouth / Artist Unknown)
19. Lovec medůz / Závody kuchařů (Jellyfish Hunter / The Fry Cook Games)
20. Sépiák stávkuje / Boj s červem (Squid on Strike / Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm)
Série 3
1. Velká výměna / Spongebob plavčíkem (The Algae's Always Greener / SpongeGuard on Duty)
2. Vítej do klubu / Krásný mořský koník (Club SpongeBob / My Pretty Seahorse)
3. Jednou si kousnout / Šikana (The Bully / Just One Bite)
4. Hnusný hambáč / Krabice pro hlupáky (Nasty Patty / Idiot Box)
5. Supermořec a Ploutvokluk 4 / Sladké vězení (Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy IV / Doing Time)
6. Zimní radovánky / Krabsovy poklady (Snowball Effect / One Krab's Trash)
7. Reklama / Chybějící desetník (As Seen on TV / Can You Spare a Dime?)
8. Zákaz vstupu pro sraby / Luxusní restaurace (No Weenies Allowed / Squilliam Returns)
9. Krabs je robot / Hra na rodinu (Krab Borg / Rock-a-Bye Bivalve)
10. Malování / Manuál nového zaměstnance (Wet Painters / Krusty Krab Training Video)
11. Večírek - Večírek k pohledání (Party Pooper Pants)
12. Čokoláda s oříšky / Supermořec a Ploutvokluk 5 (Chocolate with Nuts / Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy V)
13. Nový student / Lastury (New Student Starfish / Clams)
14. V pravěku - Uch (Ugh)
15. Velké šnecí závody / Krize středního věku (The Great Snail Race / Mid-Life Crustacean)
16. Znovuzrozený Krabs / Měl jsem nehodu (Born Again Krabs / I Had an Accident)
17. Krabí svět dětí / Kempování (Krabby Land / The Camping Episode)
18. Ukradená identita / Planktonova armáda (Missing Identity / Plankton's Army)
19. Ztracená epizoda - Mořská houba která uměla létat (The Sponge Who Could Fly)
20. Spongebob a škrtič / Hloupé vtípky (SpongeBob Meets the Strangler / Pranks a Lot)
Série 4
1. Nonstopservis / Krunýř pro siláky (Fear of a Krabby Patty / Shell of a Man)
2. Stará matrace / Krabs u soudu (The Lost Mattress / Krabs vs. Plankton)
3. Speciální díl - Ztratil se Gery (Have You Seen This Snail?)
4. Jeřáb na hračky / Dobří sousedé (Skill Crane / Good Neighbors)
5. Pan Krabs jde do důchodu / Orgán smíchu (Selling Out / Funny Pants)
6. Středověk (Dunces and Dragons)
7. Plankton se chce ženit / Supermořec a Ploutvokluk 6 (Enemy In-Law / Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy VI: The Motion Picture)
8. Chytrý Patrik / Mutant (Patrick SmartPants / SquidBob TentaclePants)
9. Křupavý hotel / Máte padáka, paní Rybová (Krusty Towers / Mrs. Puff, You're Fired)
10. Opice na kontrole / Nezvaný host (Chimps Ahoy / Ghost Host)
11. Velrybí narozeniny / Ostrov karate (Whale of a Birthday / Karate Island)
12. Všechno co se třpytí / Studna splněných přání (All That Glitters / Wishing You Well)
13. Obracím list / Epidemie (New Leaf / Once Bitten)
14. Nepovedená dovolená / Paruka je hit (Bummer Vacation / Wigstruck)
15. Cesta Sépiákem / Tohle není holka (Squidtastic Voyage / That's No Lady)
16. Věc / Hokus pokus (The Thing / Hocus Pocus)
17. Řízení je pro hlupáky / Hlupák králem (Driven to Tears / Rule of Dumb)
18. Drsný motorkáři / Nepřítel nepřítele (Born to Be Wild / Best Frenemies)
19. Růžový zloděj / Loutka (The Pink Purloiner / Squid Wood)
20. Nejlepší den / Žvýkačkový dárek (Best Day Ever / The Gift of Gum)
Série 5
1. Přítel nebo nepřítel (Friend or Foe)
2. Původní kuchař / Noční světlo (The Original Fry Cook / Night Light)
3. Vstávat a cvičit / Čekání / Podivná plíseň (Rise and Shine / Waiting / Fungus Among Us)
4. Špióni / Chytrý řidič / Starý dobrý, jak se jmenuje? (Spy Buddies / Boat Smarts / Good Ol' Whatshisname)
5. Nové místo k bydlení / Zatopte někdo (New Digs / Krabs à la Mode)
6. Horská dráha / Přestavba Kamarádského kyblíku (Roller Cowards / Bucket Sweet Bucket)
7. Milovat hambáč / Kam se poděl starý Sépiák (To Love a Patty / Breath of Fresh Squidward)
8. Peníze mluví / Báseň o velkém souboji / Soutěž v tanci (Money Talks / SpongeBob vs. the Patty Gadget / Slimy Dancing)
9. Křupavá houba / Patrikův hit (The Krusty Sponge / Sing a Song of Patrick)
10. Blecha v kožichu / Čí je ta kobliha / Špína na talíři (A Flea in Her Dome / The Donut of Shame / The Krusty Plate)
11. Dětský plyn / Výměna kuchařů (Goo Goo Gas / Le Big Switch)
12. Ztracená Atlantida (Atlantis SquarePantis)
13. Focení ve škole / Patrik bez peněz / Bratranec Jack (Picture Day / Pat No Pay / BlackJack)
14. Houba co si vymýšlí / Supermořec vs. Spongebob (Blackened Sponge / Mermaid Man vs. SpongeBob)
15. Letní vězení / Boj o přežití (The Inmates of Summer / To Save a Squirrel)
16. Speciální díl - Divoký západ (Pest of the West)
17. 20 000 hambáčů pod mořem / Bitva v Zátiší Bikin (20,000 Patties Under the Sea / The Battle of Bikini Bottom)
18. Speciální díl - Kam zmizel Spongebob? (WhoBob WhatPants?)
19. Dvě tváře Sépiáka / Problém s medůzami (The Two Faces of Squidward / SpongeHenge)
20. Zakázané hambáče / Bratranec Stanley (Banned in Bikini Bottom / Stanley S. SquarePants)
Série 6
1. House Fancy / Krabby Road (House Fancy / Krabby Road)
2. Penny Foolish / Nautical Novice (Penny Foolish / Nautical Novice)
3. Spongicus / Suction Cup Symphony (Spongicus / Suction Cup Symphony)
4. Not Normal / Gone (Not Normal / Gone)
5. The Splinter / Slide Whistle Stooges (The Splinter / Slide Whistle Stooges)
6. A Life in a Day / Sun Bleached (A Life in a Day / Sun Bleached)
7. Giant Squidward / No Nose Knows (Giant Squidward / No Nose Knows)
8. Patty Caper / Plankton's Regular (Patty Caper / Plankton's Regular)
9. Boating Buddies / The Krabby Kronicle (Boating Buddies / The Krabby Kronicle)
10. The Slumber Party / Grooming Gary (The Slumber Party / Grooming Gary)
11. SpongeBob SquarePants vs. The Big One (SpongeBob SquarePants vs. The Big One)
12. Porous Pockets / Choir Boys (Porous Pockets / Choir Boys)
13. Krusty Krushers / The Card (Krusty Krushers / The Card)
14. Dear Vikings / Ditchin (Dear Vikings / Ditchin)
15. Grandpappy the Pirate / Cephalopod Lodge (Grandpappy the Pirate / Cephalopod Lodge)
16. Squid's Visit / To SquarePants or Not to SquarePants (Squid's Visit / To SquarePants or Not to SquarePants)
17. Shuffleboarding / Professor Squidward (Shuffleboarding / Professor Squidward)
18. Pet or Pests / Komputer Overload (Pet or Pests / Komputer Overload)
19. Gullible Pants / Overbooked (Gullible Pants / Overbooked)
20. No Hat for Pat / Toy Store of Doom (No Hat for Pat / Toy Store of Doom)
21. Sand Castles in the Sand / Shell Shocked (Sand Castles in the Sand / Shell Shocked)
22. Chum Bucket Supreme / Single Cell Anniversary (Chum Bucket Supreme / Single Cell Anniversary)
23.-24. Truth or Square (Truth or Square)
25. Pineapple Fever / Chum Caverns (Pineapple Fever / Chum Caverns)
26. The Clash of Triton (The Clash of Triton)
Série 7
1. Tentacle-Vision / I love Dancing (Tentacle-Vision / I love Dancing)
2. Growth Spout / Stuck in the Wringer (Growth Spout / Stuck in the Wringer)
3. Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy / The Inside Job (Someone's in the Kitchen with Sandy / The Inside Job)
4. Greasy Buffoons / Model Sponge (Greasy Buffoons / Model Sponge)
5. Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful / A Pal for Gary (Keep Bikini Bottom Beautiful / A Pal for Gary)
6. Yours, Mine and Mine / Kracked Krabs (Yours, Mine and Mine / Kracked Krabs)
7. The Curse of Bikini Bottom / Squidward in Clarinetland (The Curse of Bikini Bottom / Squidward in Clarinetland)
8. SpongeBob's Last Stand (SpongeBob's Last Stand)
9. Back to the Past / The Bad Guy Club for Villains (Back to the Past / The Bad Guy Club for Villains)
10. A Day Without Tears / Summer Job (A Day Without Tears / Summer Job)
11. One Coarse Meal / Gary in Love (One Coarse Meal / Gary in Love)
12. The Play's the Thing / Rodeo Daze (The Play's the Thing / Rodeo Daze)
13. Gramma's Secret Recipe / The Cent of Money (Gramma's Secret Recipe / The Cent of Money)
14. The Monster Who Came to Bikini Bottom / Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle (The Monster Who Came to Bikini Bottom / Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Tiangle)
15. The Curse of the Hex / The Main Drain (The Curse of the Hex / The Main Drain)
16. Trenchbillies / Sponge-Cano! (Trenchbillies / Sponge-Cano!)
17. The Great Patty Caper (The Great Patty Caper)
18. That Sinking Feeling / Karate Star (That Sinking Feeling / Karate Star)
19. Buried in Time / Enchanted Tiki Dreams (Buried in Time / Enchanted Tiki Dreams)
20. The Abrasive Side / Ear Worm (The Abrasive Side / Ear Worm)
21. Hide and Then What Happens? / Shellback Shenanigans (Hide and Then What Happens? / Shellback Shenanigans)
22. The Masterpiece / Whelk Attack (The Masterpiece / Whelk Attack)
23. You Don't Know Sponge / Tunnel of Glove (You Don't Know Sponge / Tunnel of Glove)
24. Krusty Dogs / The Wreck of the Mauna Loa (Krusty Dogs / The Wreck of the Mauna Loa)
25. New Fish in Town / Love That Squid (New Fish in Town / Love That Squid)
26. Big Sister Sam / Perfect Chemistry (Big Sister Sam / Perfect Chemistry)
Série 8
1. Accidents Will Happen / The Other Patty (Accidents Will Happen / The Other Patty)
2. Drive Thru / The Hot Shot (Drive Thru / The Hot Shot)
3. A Friendly Game / Sentimental Sponge (A Friendly Game / Sentimental Sponge)
4. Frozen Face-Off (Frozen Face-Off)
5. Squidward's School for Grown Ups / Oral Report (Squidward's School for Grown Ups / Oral Report)
6. Sweet and Sour Squid / The Googly Artiste (Sweet and Sour Squid / The Googly Artiste)
7. A SquarePants Family Vacation (A SquarePants Family Vacation)
8. Patrick’s Staycation / Walking the Plankton (Patrick’s Staycation / Walking the Plankton)
9. Mooncation / Mr. Krabs Takes a Vacation (Mooncation / Mr. Krabs Takes a Vacation)
10. Ghoul Fools (Ghoul Fools)
11. Mermaid Man Begins / Plankton's Good Eye (Mermaid Man Begins / Plankton's Good Eye)
12. Barnacle Face / Pet Sitter Pat (Barnacle Face / Pet Sitter Pat)
13. House Sittin' for Sandy / Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom (House Sittin' for Sandy / Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom)
14. The Way of the Sponge / Bubble Troubles (The Way of the Sponge / Bubble Troubles)
15. The Krabby Patty That Ate Bikini Bottom / Bubble Buddy Returns (The Krabby Patty That Ate Bikini Bottom / Bubble Buddy Returns)
16. Restraining SpongeBob / Fiasco! (Restraining SpongeBob / Fiasco!)
17. Are You Happy Now? / Planet of the Jellyfish (Are You Happy Now? / Planet of the Jellyfish)
18. Free Samples / Home Sweet Rubble (Free Samples / Home Sweet Rubble)
19. Karen 2.0 / InSPONGEiac (Karen 2.0 / InSPONGEiac)
20. Face Freeze! / Glove World, R.I.P. (Face Freeze! / Glove World, R.I.P.)
21. Squiditis / Demolition Doofus (Squiditis / Demolition Doofus)
22. Treats! / For Here or to Go (Treats! / For Here or to Go)
23. It's a SpongeBob Christmas! / (It's a SpongeBob Christmas! / )
24. Super Evil Aquatic Villain Team Up is Go! / Chum Fricassee (Super Evil Aquatic Villain Team Up is Go! / Chum Fricassee)
25. The Good Krabby Name / Move It or Lose It (The Good Krabby Name / Move It or Lose It)
26. Hello Bikini Bottom! (Hello Bikini Bottom!)
Prosím o doplnění chybějících sérií. Těch zbylých 25 :)
zdroj: http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/classic/
William Hartnell 1963-1966
2. série - 1964-65
1. Planet of Giants - 31/10/1964
2. Dangerous Journey - 07/11/1964
3. Crisis - 14/11/1964
4. World's End - 21/11/1964
5. The Daleks - 28/11/1964
6. Day of Reckoning - 05/12/1964
7. The End of Tomorrow - 12/12/1964
8. The Waking Ally - 19/12/1964
9. Flashpoint - 26/12/1964
10. The Powerful Enemy - 02/01/1965
11. Desperate Measures - 09/01/1965
12. The Slave Traders - 16/01/1965
13. All Roads Lead to Rome - 23/01/1965
14. Conspiracy - 30/01/1965
15. Inferno - 06/02/1965
16. The Web Planet - 13/02/1965
17. The Zarbi - 20/02/1965
18. Escape to Danger - 27/02/1965
19. Crater of Needles - 06/03/1965
20. Invasion - 13/03/1965
21. The Centre - 20/03/1965
22. The Lion - 27/03/1965
23. The Knight of Jaffa - 03/04/1965
24. The Wheel of Fortune - 10/04/1965
25. The Warlords - 17/04/1965
26. The Space Museum - 24/04/1965
27. The Dimensions of Time - 01/05/1965
28. The Search - 08/05/1965
29. The Final Phase - 15/05/1965
30. The Executioners - 22/05/1965
31. The Death of Time - 29/05/1965
32. Flight Through Eternity - 05/06/1965
33. Journey Into Terror - 12/06/1965
34. The Death of Doctor Who - 19/06/1965
35. The Planet of Decision - 26/06/1965
36. The Watcher - 03/07/1965
37. The Meddling Monk - 10/07/1965
38. A Battle of Wits - 17/07/1965
49. Checkmate - 24/07/1965
3. série - 1965-66
1. Four Hundred Dawns - 11/09/1965
2. Trap of Steel - 18/09/1965
3. Air Lock - 25/09/1965
4. The Exploding Planet - 02/10/1965
5. Mission to the Unknown - 09/10/1965
6. Temple of Secrets - 16/10/1965
7. Small Prophet, Quick Return - 23/10/1965
8. Death of a Spy - 30/10/1965
9. Horse of Destruction - 06/11/1965
10. The Nightmare Begins - 13/11/1965
11. Day of Armageddon - 20/11/1965
12. Devil's Planet - 27/11/1965
13. The Traitors - 04/12/1965
14. Counter Plot - 11/12/1965
15. Coronas of the Sun - 18/12/1965
16. The Feast of Steven - 25/12/1965
17. Volcano - 01/01/1966
18. Golden Death - 08/01/1966
19. Escape Switch - 15/01/1966
20. The Abandoned Planet - 22/01/1966
21. The Destruction of Time - 29/01/1966
22. War of God - 05/02/1966
23. The Sea Beggar - 12/02/1966
24. Priest of Death - 19/02/1966
25. Bell of Doom - 26/02/1966
26. The Steel Sky - 05/03/1966
27. The Plague - 12/03/1966
28. The Return - 19/03/1966
29. The Bomb - 26/03/1966
30. The Celestial Toyroom - 02/04/1966
31. The Hall of Dolls - 09/04/1966
32. The Dancing Floor - 16/04/1966
33. The Final Test - 23/04/1966
34. A Holiday for the Doctor - 30/04/1966
35. Don't Shoot the Pianist - 07/05/1966
36. Johnny Ringo - 14/05/1966
37. The O K Corral - 21/05/1966
38. The Savages - part 1 - 28/05/1966
39. The Savages - part 2 - 04/06/1966
40. The Savages - part 3 - 11/06/1966
41. The Savages - part 4 - 18/06/1966
42. The War Machines - part 1 - 25/06/1966
43. The War Machines - part 2 - 02/07/1966
44. The War Machines - part 3 - 09/07/1966
45. The War Machines - part 4 - 16/07/1966
4. série - 1966-67
1. The Smugglers - part 1 - 10/09/1966
2. The Smugglers - part 2 - 17/09/1966
3. The Smugglers - part 3 - 24/09/1966
4. The Smugglers - part 4 - 01/10/1966
5. The Tenth Planet - part 1 - 08/10/1966
6. The Tenth Planet - part 2 - 15/10/1966
7. The Tenth Planet - part 3 - 22/10/1966
8. The Tenth Planet - part 4 - 29/10/1966
Patrick Troughton 1966-1969
9. The Power of the Daleks - part 1 - 05/11/1966
10. The Power of the Daleks - part 2 - 12/11/1966
11. The Power of the Daleks - part 3 - 19/11/1966
12. The Power of the Daleks - part 4 - 26/11/1966
13. The Power of the Daleks - part 5 - 03/12/1966
14. The Power of the Daleks - part 6 - 10/12/1966
15. The Highlanders - part 1 - 17/12/1966
16. The Highlanders - part 2 - 24/12/1966
17. The Highlanders - part 3 - 31/12/1966
18. The Highlanders - part 4 - 07/01/1967
19. The Underwater Menace - part 1 - 14/01/1967
20. The Underwater Menace - part 2 - 21/01/1967
21. The Underwater Menace - part 3 - 28/01/1967
22. The Underwater Menace - part 4 - 04/02/1967
23. The Moonbase - part 1 - 11/02/1967
24. The Moonbase - part 2 - 18/02/1967
25. The Moonbase - part 3 - 25/02/1967
26. The Moonbase - part 4 - 04/03/1967
27. The Macra Terror - part 1 - 11/03/1967
28. The Macra Terror - part 2 - 18/03/1967
29. The Macra Terror - part 3 - 25/03/1967
30. The Macra Terror - part 4 - 01/04/1967
31. The Faceless Ones - part 1 - 08/04/1967
32. The Faceless Ones - part 2 - 15/04/1967
33. The Faceless Ones - part 3 - 22/04/1967
34. The Faceless Ones - part 4 - 29/04/1967
35. The Faceless Ones - part 5 - 06/05/1967
36. The Faceless Ones - part 6 - 13/05/1967
37. The Evil of the Daleks - part 1 - 20/05/1967
38. The Evil of the Daleks - part 2 - 27/05/1967
39. The Evil of the Daleks - part 3 - 03/06/1967
40. The Evil of the Daleks - part 4 - 10/06/1967
41. The Evil of the Daleks - part 5 - 17/06/1967
42. The Evil of the Daleks - part 6 - 24/06/1967
43. The Evil of the Daleks - part 7 - 01/07/1967
5. série - 1967-68
1. The Tomb of the Cybermen - part 1 - 02/09/1967
2. The Tomb of the Cybermen - part 2 - 09/09/1967
3. The Tomb of the Cybermen - part 3 - 16/09/1967
4. The Tomb of the Cybermen - part 4 - 23/09/1967
5. The Abominable Snowmen - part 1 - 30/09/1967
6. The Abominable Snowmen - part 2 - 07/10/1967
7. The Abominable Snowmen - part 3 - 14/10/1967
8. The Abominable Snowmen - part 4 - 21/10/1967
9. The Abominable Snowmen - part 5 - 28/10/1967
10. The Abominable Snowmen - part 6 - 4/11/1967
11. The Ice Warriors - part 1 - 11/11/1967
12. The Ice Warriors - part 2 - 18/11/1967
13. The Ice Warriors - part 3 - 25/11/1967
14. The Ice Warriors - part 4 - 02/12/1967
15. The Ice Warriors - part 5 - 09/12/1967
16. The Ice Warriors - part 6 - 16/12/1967
17. The Enemy of the World - part 1 - 23/12/1967
18. The Enemy of the World - part 2 - 30/12/1967
19. The Enemy of the World - part 3 - 06/01/1968
20. The Enemy of the World - part 4 - 13/01/1968
21. The Enemy of the World - part 5 - 20/01/1968
22. The Enemy of the World - part 6 - 27/01/1968
23. The Web of Fear - part 1 - 03/02/1968
24. The Web of Fear - part 2 - 10/02/1968
25. The Web of Fear - part 3 - 17/02/1968
26. The Web of Fear - part 4 - 24/02/1968
27. The Web of Fear - part 5 - 02/03/1968
28. The Web of Fear - part 6 - 09/03/1968
29. Fury from the Deep - part 1 - 16/03/1968
30. Fury from the Deep - part 2 - 23/03/1968
31. Fury from the Deep - part 3 - 30/03/1968
32. Fury from the Deep - part 4 - 06/04/1968
33. Fury from the Deep - part 5 - 13/04/1968
34. Fury from the Deep - part 6 - 20/04/1968
35. The Wheel In Space - part 1 - 27/04/1968
36. The Wheel In Space - part 2 - 04/05/1968
37. The Wheel In Space - part 3 - 11/05/1968
38. The Wheel In Space - part 4 - 18/05/1968
39. The Wheel In Space - part 5 - 25/05/1968
40. The Wheel In Space - part 6 - 01/06/1968
6. série - 1968-69
1. The Dominators - part 1 - /08/1968
2. The Dominators - part 2 - /08/1968
3. The Dominators - part 3 - /08/1968
4. The Dominators - part 4 - /08/1968
5. The Dominators - part 5 - /09/1968
6. The Mind Robber - part 1 - 14/09/1968
7. The Mind Robber - part 2 - 21/09/1968
8. The Mind Robber - part 3 - 28/09/1968
9. The Mind Robber - part 4 - 05/10/1968
10. The Mind Robber - part 5 - 12/10/1968
11. The Invasion - part 1 - 02/11/1968
12. The Invasion - part 2 - 09/11/1968
13. The Invasion - part 3 - 16/11/1968
14. The Invasion - part 4 - 23/11/1968
15. The Invasion - part 5 - 30/11/1968
16. The Invasion - part 6 - 07/12/1968
17. The Invasion - part 7 - 14/12/1968
18. The Invasion - part 8 - 21/12/1968
19. The Krotons - part 1 - 28/12/1968
20. The Krotons - part 2 - 04/01/1969
21. The Krotons - part 3 - 11/01/1969
22. The Krotons - part 4 - 18/01/1969
23. The Seeds of Death - part 1 - 25/01/1969
24. The Seeds of Death - part 2 - 01/02/1969
25. The Seeds of Death - part 3 - 08/02/1969
26. The Seeds of Death - part 4 - 15/02/1969
27. The Seeds of Death - part 5 - 22/02/1969
28. The Seeds of Death - part 6 - 01/03/1969
29. The Space Pirates - part 1 - 08/03/1969
30. The Space Pirates - part 2 - 15/03/1969
31. The Space Pirates - part 3 - 22/03/1969
32. The Space Pirates - part 4 - 29/03/1969
33. The Space Pirates - part 5 - 05/04/1969
34. The Space Pirates - part 6 - 12/04/1969
35. The War Games - part 1 - 19/04/1969
36. The War Games - part 2 - 26/04/1969
37. The War Games - part 3 - 03/05/1969
38. The War Games - part 4 - 10/05/1969
39. The War Games - part 5 - 17/05/1969
40. The War Games - part 6 - 24/05/1969
41. The War Games - part 7 - 31/05/1969
42. The War Games - part 8 - 07/06/1969
43. The War Games - part 9 - 14/06/1969
44. The War Games - part 10 - 21/06/1969
Jon Pertwee 1970-1974
7. série - 1970
1. Spearhead from Space - part 1 - 03/01/1970
2. Spearhead from Space - part 2 - 10/01/1970
3. Spearhead from Space - part 3 - 17/01/1970
4. Spearhead from Space - part 4 - 24/01/1970
5. Doctor Who and the Silurians - part 1 - 31/01/1970
6. Doctor Who and the Silurians - part 2 - 07/02/1970
7. Doctor Who and the Silurians - part 3 - 14/02/1970
8. Doctor Who and the Silurians - part 4 - 21/02/1970
9. Doctor Who and the Silurians - part 5 - 28/02/1970
10. Doctor Who and the Silurians - part 6 - 07/03/1970
11. Doctor Who and the Silurians - part 7 - 14/03/1970
12. The Ambassadors of Death - part 1 - 21/03/1970
13. The Ambassadors of Death - part 2 - 28/03/1970
14. The Ambassadors of Death - part 3 - 04/04/1970
15. The Ambassadors of Death - part 4 - 11/04/1970
16. The Ambassadors of Death - part 5 - 18/04/1970
17. The Ambassadors of Death - part 6 - 25/04/1970
18. The Ambassadors of Death - part 7 - 02/05/1970
29. Inferno - part 1 - 09/05/1970
20. Inferno - part 2 - 16/05/1970
21. Inferno - part 3 - 23/05/1970
22. Inferno - part 4 - 30/05/1970
23. Inferno - part 5 - 06/06/1970
24. Inferno - part 6 - 13/06/1970
25. Inferno - part 7 - 20/06/1970
8. série - 1971
1. Terror of the Autons - part 1 - 02/01/1971
2. Terror of the Autons - part 2 - 09/01/1971
3. Terror of the Autons - part 3 - 16/01/1971
4. Terror of the Autons - part 4 - 23/01/1971
5. The Mind of Evil - part 1 - 30/01/1971
6. The Mind of Evil - part 2 - 06/02/1971
7. The Mind of Evil - part 3 - 13/02/1971
8. The Mind of Evil - part 4 - 20/02/1971
9. The Mind of Evil - part 5 - 27/02/1971
10. The Mind of Evil - part 6 - 06/03/1971
11. The Claws of Axos - part 1 - 13/03/1971
12. The Claws of Axos - part 2 - 20/03/1971
13. The Claws of Axos - part 3 - 27/03/1971
14. The Claws of Axos - part 4 - 03/04/1971
15. Colony In Space - part 1 - 10/04/1971
16. Colony In Space - part 2 - 17/04/1971
17. Colony In Space - part 3 - 24/04/1971
18. Colony In Space - part 4 - 01/05/1971
19. Colony In Space - part 5 - 08/05/1971
20. Colony In Space - part 6 - 15/05/1971
21. The Daemons - part 1 - 22/05/1971
22. The Daemons - part 2 - 29/05/1971
23. The Daemons - part 3 - 05/06/1971
24. The Daemons - part 4 - 12/06/1971
25. The Daemons - part 5 - 19/06/1971
9. série - 1972
1. Day of the Daleks - part 1 - 01/01/1972
2. Day of the Daleks - part 2 - 08/01/1972
3. Day of the Daleks - part 3 - 15/01/1972
4. Day of the Daleks - part 4 - 22/01/1972
5. The Curse of Peladon - part 1 - 29/01/1972
6. The Curse of Peladon - part 2 - 05/02/1972
7. The Curse of Peladon - part 3 - 12/02/1972
8. The Curse of Peladon - part 4 - 19/02/1972
9. The Sea Devils - part 1 - 26/02/1972
10. The Sea Devils - part 2 - 04/03/1972
11. The Sea Devils - part 3 - 11/03/1972
12. The Sea Devils - part 4 - 18/03/1972
13. The Sea Devils - part 5 - 25/03/1972
14. The Sea Devils - part 6 - 01/04/1972
15. The Mutants - part 1 - 08/04/1972
16. The Mutants - part 2 - 15/04/1972
17. The Mutants - part 3 - 22/04/1972
18. The Mutants - part 4 - 29/04/1972
19. The Mutants - part 5 - 06/05/1972
20. The Mutants - part 6 - 13/05/1972
21. The Time Monster - part 1 - 20/05/1972
22. The Time Monster - part 2 - 27/05/1972
23. The Time Monster - part 3 - 03/06/1972
24. The Time Monster - part 4 - 10/06/1972
25. The Time Monster - part 5 - 17/06/1972
26. The Time Monster - part 6 - 24/06/1972
10. série - 1972-1973
1. The Three Doctors - part 1 - 30/12/1972
2. The Three Doctors - part 2 - 06/01/1973
3. The Three Doctors - part 3 - 13/01/1973
4. The Three Doctors - part 4 - 20/01/1973
5. Carnival of Monsters - part 1 - 27/01/1973
6. Carnival of Monsters - part 2 - 03/02/1973
7. Carnival of Monsters - part 3 - 10/02/1973
8. Carnival of Monsters - part 4 - 17/02/1973
9. Frontier In Space - part 1 - 24/02/1973
10. Frontier In Space - part 2 - 03/03/1973
11. Frontier In Space - part 3 - 10/03/1973
12. Frontier In Space - part 4 - 17/03/1973
13. Frontier In Space - part 5 - 24/03/1973
14. Frontier In Space - part 6 - 31/03/1973
15. Planet of the Daleks - part 1 - 07/04/1973
16. Planet of the Daleks - part 2 - 14/04/1973
17. Planet of the Daleks - part 3 - 21/04/1973
18. Planet of the Daleks - part 4 - 28/04/1973
19. Planet of the Daleks - part 5 - 05/05/1973
20. Planet of the Daleks - part 6 - 12/05/1973
21. The Green Death - part 1 - 19/05/1973
22. The Green Death - part 2 - 26/05/1973
23. The Green Death - part 3 - 02/06/1973
24. The Green Death - part 4 - 09/06/1973
25. The Green Death - part 5 - 16/06/1973
26. The Green Death - part 6 - 23/06/1973
11. série - 1973 - 1974
1. The Time Warrior - part 1 - 15/12/1973
2. The Time Warrior - part 2 - 22/12/1973
3. The Time Warrior - part 3 - 29/12/1973
4. The Time Warrior - part 4 - 05/01/1974
5. Invasion of the Dinosaurs - part 1 - 12/01/1974
6. Invasion of the Dinosaurs - part 2 - 19/01/1974
7. Invasion of the Dinosaurs - part 3 - 26/01/1974
8. Invasion of the Dinosaurs - part 4 - 02/02/1974
9. Invasion of the Dinosaurs - part 5 - 09/02/1974
10. Invasion of the Dinosaurs - part 6 - 16/02/1974
11. Death to the Daleks - part 1 - 23/02/1974
12. Death to the Daleks - part 2 - 02/03/1974
13. Death to the Daleks - part 3 - 09/03/1974
14. Death to the Daleks - part 4 - 16/03/1974
15. The Monster of Peladon - part 1 - 23/03/1974
16. The Monster of Peladon - part 2 - 30/03/1974
17. The Monster of Peladon - part 3 - 06/04/1974
18. The Monster of Peladon - part 4 - 13/04/1974
19. The Monster of Peladon - part 5 - 20/04/1974
20. The Monster of Peladon - part 6 - 27/04/1974
21. Planet of the Spiders - part 1 - 04/05/1974
22. Planet of the Spiders - part 2 - 11/05/1974
23. Planet of the Spiders - part 3 - 18/05/1974
24. Planet of the Spiders - part 4 - 25/05/1974
25. Planet of the Spiders - part 5 - 01/06/1974
26. Planet of the Spiders - part 6 - 08/06/1974
Tom Baker: 1974 - 1981
12. série - 1974-75
1. Robot - part 1 - 28/12/1974
2. Robot - part 2 - 04/01/1975
3. Robot - part 3 - 11/01/1975
4. Robot - part 4 - 18/01/1975
5. The Ark in Space - part 1 - 25/01/1975
6. The Ark in Space - part 2 - 01/02/1975
7. The Ark in Space - part 3 - 08/02/1975
8. The Ark in Space - part 4 - 15/02/1975
9. The Sontaran Experiment - part 1 - 22/02/1975
10. The Sontaran Experiment - part 2 - 01/03/1975
11. Genesis of the Daleks - part 1 - 08/03/1975
12. Genesis of the Daleks - part 2 - 15/03/1975
13. Genesis of the Daleks - part 3 - 22/03/1975
14. Genesis of the Daleks - part 4 - 29/03/1975
15. Genesis of the Daleks - part 5 - 05/04/1975
16. Genesis of the Daleks - part 6 - 12/04/1975
17. Revenge of the Cybermen - part 1 - 19/04/1975
18. Revenge of the Cybermen - part 2 - 26/04/1975
19. Revenge of the Cybermen - part 3 - 03/05/1975
20. Revenge of the Cybermen - part 4 - 10/05/1975
13. série - 1975-76
1. Terror of the Zygons - part 1 - 30/08/1975
2. Terror of the Zygons - part 2 - 06/09/1975
3. Terror of the Zygons - part 3 - 13/09/1975
4. Terror of the Zygons - part 4 - 20/09/1975
5. Planet of Evil - part 1 - 27/09/1975
6. Planet of Evil - part 2 - 04/10/1975
7. Planet of Evil - part 3 - 11/10/1975
8. Planet of Evil - part 4 - 18/10/1975
9. Pyramids of Mars - part 1 - 25/10/1975
10. Pyramids of Mars - part 2 - 01/11/1975
11. Pyramids of Mars - part 3 - 08/11/1975
12. Pyramids of Mars - part 4 - 15/11/1975
13. The Android Invasion - part 1 - 22/11/1975
14. The Android Invasion - part 2 - 29/11/1975
15. The Android Invasion - part 3 - 06/12/1975
16. The Android Invasion - part 4 - 13/12/1975
17. The Brain of Morbius - part 1 - 03/01/1976
18. The Brain of Morbius - part 2 - 10/01/1976
19. The Brain of Morbius - part 3 - 17/01/1976
20. The Brain of Morbius - part 4 - 24/01/1976
21. The Seeds of Doom - part 1 - 31/01/1976
22. The Seeds of Doom - part 2 - 07/02/1976
23. The Seeds of Doom - part 3 - 14/02/1976
24. The Seeds of Doom - part 4 - 21/02/1976
25. The Seeds of Doom - part 5 - 28/02/1976
26. The Seeds of Doom - part 6 - 06/03/1976
14. série - 1976-77
1. The Masque of Mandragora - part 1 - 04/09/1976
2. The Masque of Mandragora - part 2 - 11/09/1976
3. The Masque of Mandragora - part 3 - 18/09/1976
4. The Masque of Mandragora - part 4 - 25/09/1976
5. The Hand of Fear - part 1 - 02/10/1976
6. The Hand of Fear - part 2 - 09/10/1976
7. The Hand of Fear - part 3 - 16/10/1976
8. The Hand of Fear - part 4 - 23/10/1976
9. The Deadly Assassin - part 1 - 30/10/1976
10. The Deadly Assassin - part 2 - 06/11/1976
11. The Deadly Assassin - part 3 - 13/11/1976
12. The Deadly Assassin - part 4 - 20/11/1976
13. The Face of Evil - part 1 - 01/01/1977
14. The Face of Evil - part 2 - 08/01/1977
15. The Face of Evil - part 3 - 15/01/1977
16. The Face of Evil - part 4 - 22/01/1977
17. The Robots of Death - part 1 - 29/01/1977
18. The Robots of Death - part 2 - 05/02/1977
19. The Robots of Death - part 3 - 12/02/1977
20. The Robots of Death - part 4 - 19/02/1977
21. The Talons of Weng-Chiang - part 1 - 26/02/1977
22. The Talons of Weng-Chiang - part 2 - 05/03/1977
23. The Talons of Weng-Chiang - part 3 - 12/03/1977
24. The Talons of Weng-Chiang - part 4 - 19/03/1977
25. The Talons of Weng-Chiang - part 5 - 26/03/1977
26. The Talons of Weng-Chiang - part 6 - 02/04/1977
15. série - 1977-78
1. Horror of Fang Rock - part 1 - 03/09/1977
2. Horror of Fang Rock - part 2 - 10/09/1977
3. Horror of Fang Rock - part 3 - 17/09/1977
4. Horror of Fang Rock - part 4 - 24/09/1977
5. The Invisible Enemy - part 1 - 01/10/1977
6. The Invisible Enemy - part 2 - 08/10/1977
7. The Invisible Enemy - part 3 - 15/10/1977
8. The Invisible Enemy - part 4 - 22/10/1977
9. Image of the Fendahl - part 1 - 29/10/1977
10. Image of the Fendahl - part 2 - 05/11/1977
11. Image of the Fendahl - part 3 - 12/11/1977
12. Image of the Fendahl - part 4 - 19/11/1977
13. The Sun Makers - part 1 - 26/11/1977
14. The Sun Makers - part 2 - 03/12/1977
15. The Sun Makers - part 3 - 10/12/1977
16. The Sun Makers - part 4 - 17/12/1977
17. Underworld - part 1 - 07/01/1978
18. Underworld - part 2 - 14/01/1978
19. Underworld - part 3 - 21/01/1978
20. Underworld - part 4 - 28/01/1978
21. The Invasion of Time - part 1 - 04/02/1978
22. The Invasion of Time - part 2 - 11/02/1978
23. The Invasion of Time - part 3 - 18/02/1978
24. The Invasion of Time - part 4 - 25/02/1978
25. The Invasion of Time - part 5 - 04/03/1978
26. The Invasion of Time - part 6 - 11/03/1978
16. série - 1978-79
1. The Ribos Operation - part 1 - 02/09/1978
2. The Ribos Operation - part 2 - 09/09/1978
3. The Ribos Operation - part 3 - 16/09/1978
4. The Ribos Operation - part 4 - 23/09/1978
5. The Pirate Planet - part 1 - 30/09/1978
6. The Pirate Planet - part 2 - 07/10/1978
7. The Pirate Planet - part 3 - 14/10/1978
8. The Pirate Planet - part 4 - 21/10/1978
9. The Stones of Blood - part 1 - 28/10/1978
10. The Stones of Blood - part 2 - 04/11/1978
11. The Stones of Blood - part 3 - 11/11/1978
12. The Stones of Blood - part 4 - 18/11/1978
13. The Androids of Tara - part 1 - 25/11/1978
14. The Androids of Tara - part 2 - 02/12/1978
15. The Androids of Tara - part 3 - 09/12/1978
16. The Androids of Tara - part 4 - 16/12/1978
17. The Power of Kroll - part 1 - 23/12/1978
18. The Power of Kroll - part 2 - 30/12/1978
19. The Power of Kroll - part 3 - 06/01/1979
20. The Power of Kroll - part 4 - 13/01/1979
21. The Armageddon Factor - part 1 - 20/01/1979
22. The Armageddon Factor - part 2 - 27/01/1979
23. The Armageddon Factor - part 3 - 03/02/1979
24. The Armageddon Factor - part 4 - 10/02/1979
25. The Armageddon Factor - part 5 - 17/02/1979
26. The Armageddon Factor - part 6 - 24/02/1979
17. série - 1979-80
1. Destiny of the Daleks - part 1 - 01/09/1979
2. Destiny of the Daleks - part 2 - 08/09/1979
3. Destiny of the Daleks - part 3 - 15/09/1979
4. Destiny of the Daleks - part 4 - 22/09/1979
5. City of Death - part 1 - 29/09/1979
6. City of Death - part 2 - 06/10/1979
7. City of Death - part 3 - 13/10/1979
8. City of Death - part 4 - 20/10/1979
9. The Creature from the Pit - part 1 - 27/10/1979
10. The Creature from the Pit - part 2 - 03/11/1979
11. The Creature from the Pit - part 3 - 10/11/1979
12. The Creature from the Pit - part 4 - 17/11/1979
13. Nightmare of Eden - part 1 - 24/11/1979
14. Nightmare of Eden - part 2 - 01/12/1979
15. Nightmare of Eden - part 3 - 08/12/1979
16. Nightmare of Eden - part 4 - 15/12/1979
17. The Horns of Nimon - part 1 - 22/12/1979
18. The Horns of Nimon - part 2 - 29/12/1979
19. The Horns of Nimon - part 3 - 05/01/1980
20. The Horns of Nimon - part 4 - 12/01/1980
21. Shada - part 1 - 02/05/2003
22. Shada - part 2 - 09/05/2003
23. Shada - part 3 - 16/05/2003
24. Shada - part 4 - 23/05/2003
25. Shada - part 5 - 30/05/2003
26. Shada - part 6 - 06/06/2003
18. série - 1980-81
1. The Leisure Hive - part 1 - 30/08/1980
2. The Leisure Hive - part 2 - 06/09/1980
3. The Leisure Hive - part 3 - 13/09/1980
4. The Leisure Hive - part 4 - 20/09/1980
5. Meglos - part 1 - 27/09/1980
6. Meglos - part 2 - 04/10/1980
7. Meglos - part 3 - 11/10/1980
8. Meglos - part 4 - 18/10/1980
9. Full Circle - part 1 - 25/10/1980
10. Full Circle - part 2 - 01/11/1980
11. Full Circle - part 3 - 08/11/1980
12. Full Circle - part 4 - 15/11/1980
13. State of Decay - part 1 - 22/11/1980
14. State of Decay - part 2 - 29/11/1980
15. State of Decay - part 3 - 06/12/1980
16. State of Decay - part 4 - 13/12/1980
17. Warriors' Gate - part 1 - 03/01/1981
18. Warriors' Gate - part 2 - 10/01/1981
19. Warriors' Gate - part 3 - 17/01/1981
20. Warriors' Gate - part 4 - 24/01/1981
21. The Keeper of Traken - part 1 - 31/01/1981
22. The Keeper of Traken - part 2 - 07/02/1981
23. The Keeper of Traken - part 3 - 14/02/1981
24. The Keeper of Traken - part 4 - 21/02/1981
25. Logopolis - part 1 - 28/02/1981
26. Logopolis - part 2 - 07/03/1981
27. Logopolis - part 3 - 14/03/1981
28. Logopolis - part 4 - 21/03/1981
Peter Davison 1982-1984
19. série - 1982
1. Castrovalva - part 1 - 04/01/1982
2. Castrovalva - part 2 - 05/01/1982
3. Castrovalva - part 3 - 11/01/1982
4. Castrovalva - part 4 - 12/01/1982
5. Four To Doomsday - part 1 - 18/01/1982
6. Four To Doomsday - part 2 - 19/01/1982
7. Four To Doomsday - part 3 - 25/01/1982
8. Four To Doomsday - part 4 - 26/01/1982
9. Kinda - part 1 - 01/02/1982
10. Kinda - part 2 - 02/02/1982
11. Kinda - part 3 - 08/02/1982
12. Kinda - part 4 - 09/02/1982
13. The Visitation - part 1 - 15/02/1982
14. The Visitation - part 2 - 16/02/1982
15. The Visitation - part 3 - 22/02/1982
16. The Visitation - part 4 - 23/02/1982
17. Black Orchid - part 1 - 01/03/1982
18. Black Orchid - part 2 - 02/03/1982
19. Earthshock - part 1 - 08/03/1982
20. Earthshock - part 2 - 09/03/1982
21. Earthshock - part 3 - 15/03/1982
22. Earthshock - part 4 - 16/03/1982
23. Time-Flight - part 1 - 22/03/1982
24. Time-Flight - part 2 - 23/03/1982
25. Time-Flight - part 3 - 29/03/1982
26. Time-Flight - part 4 - 30/03/1982
20. série - 1983
1. Arc of Infinity - part 1 - 03/01/1983
2. Arc of Infinity - part 2 - 05/01/1983
3. Arc of Infinity - part 3 - 11/01/1983
4. Arc of Infinity - part 4 - 12/01/1983
5. Snakedance - part 1 - 18/01/1983
6. Snakedance - part 2 - 19/01/1983
7. Snakedance - part 3 - 25/01/1983
8. Snakedance - part 4 - 26/01/1983
9. Mawdryn Undead - part 1 - 01/02/1983
10. Mawdryn Undead - part 2 - 02/02/1983
11. Mawdryn Undead - part 3 - 08/02/1983
12. Mawdryn Undead - part 4 - 09/02/1983
13. Terminus - part 1 - 15/02/1983
14. Terminus - part 2 - 16/02/1983
15. Terminus - part 3 - 22/02/1983
16. Terminus - part 4 - 23/02/1983
17. Enlightenment - part 1 - 01/03/1983
18. Enlightenment - part 2 - 02/03/1983
19. Enlightenment - part 3 - 08/03/1983
20. Enlightenment - part 4 - 09/03/1983
21. The King's Demons - part 1 - 15/03/1983
22. The King's Demons - part 2 - 16/03/1983
23. The Five Doctors - 25/11/1983
21. série - 1984
1. Warriors of the Deep - part 1 - 05/01/1984
2. Warriors of the Deep - part 2 - 06/01/1984
3. Warriors of the Deep - part 3 - 12/01/1984
4. Warriors of the Deep - part 4 - 13/01/1984
5. The Awakening - part 1 - 19/01/1984
6. The Awakening - part 2 - 20/01/1984
7. Frontios - part 1 - 26/01/1984
8. Frontios - part 2 - 27/01/1984
9. Frontios - part 3 - 02/02/1984
10. Frontios - part 4 - 03/02/1984
11. Resurrection of the Daleks - part 1 - 08/02/1984
12. Resurrection of the Daleks - part 2 - 15/02/1984
13. Planet of Fire - part 1 - 23/02/1984
14. Planet of Fire - part 2 - 24/02/1984
15. Planet of Fire - part 3 - 01/03/1984
16. Planet of Fire - part 4 - 02/03/1984
17. The Caves of Androzani - part 1 - 08/03/1984
18. The Caves of Androzani - part 2 - 09/03/1984
19. The Caves of Androzani - part 3 - 15/03/1984
20. The Caves of Androzani - part 4 - 16/03/1984
Colin Baker 1984-1986
21. The Twin Dilemma - part 1 - 22/03/1984
22. The Twin Dilemma - part 2 - 23/03/1984
23. The Twin Dilemma - part 3 - 29/03/1984
24. The Twin Dilemma - part 4 - 30/03/1984
22. série - 1985
1. Attack of the Cybermen - part 1 - 05/01/1985
2. Attack of the Cybermen - part 2 - 12/01/1985
3. Vengeance On Varos - part 1 - 19/01/1985
4. Vengeance On Varos - part 2 - 26/01/1985
5. The Mark of the Rani - part 1 - 02/02/1985
6. The Mark of the Rani - part 2 - 09/02/1985
7. The Two Doctors - part 1 - 16/02/1985
8. The Two Doctors - part 2 - 23/02/1985
9. The Two Doctors - part 3 - 02/03/1985
10. Timelash - part 1 - 09/03/1985
11. Timelash - part 2 - 16/03/1985
12. Revelation of the Daleks - part 1 - 23/03/1985
13. Revelation of the Daleks - part 2 - 30/03/1985
23. série - 1986
The Trial of a Timelord:
1. The Mysterious Planet - part 1 - 06/09/1986
2. The Mysterious Planet - part 2 - 13/09/1986
3. The Mysterious Planet - part 3 - 20/09/1986
4. The Mysterious Planet - part 4 - 27/09/1986
5. Mindwarp - part 1 - 04/10/1986
6. Mindwarp - part 2 - 11/10/1986
7. Mindwarp - part 3 - 18/10/1986
8. Mindwarp - part 4 - 25/10/1986
9. Terror of the Vervoids - part 1 - 01/11/1986
10. Terror of the Vervoids - part 2 - 08/11/1986
11. Terror of the Vervoids - part 3 - 15/11/1986
12. Terror of the Vervoids - part 4 - 22/11/1986
13. The Ultimate Foe - part 1 - 29/11/1986
14. The Ultimate Foe - part 2 - 06/12/1986
Sylvester McCoy 1987-1989
24. série - 1987
1. Time And the Rani - part 1 - 07/09/1987
2. Time And the Rani - part 2 - 14/09/1987
3. Time And the Rani - part 3 - 21/09/1987
4. Time And the Rani - part 4 - 28/09/1987
5. Paradise Towers - part 1 - 05/10/1987
6. Paradise Towers - part 2 - 12/10/1987
7. Paradise Towers - part 3 - 19/10/1987
8. Paradise Towers - part 4 - 26/10/1987
9. Delta And the Bannermen - part 1 - 02/11/1987
10. Delta And the Bannermen - part 2 - 09/11/1987
11. Delta And the Bannermen - part 3 - 16/11/1987
12. Dragonfire - part 1 - 23/11/1987
13. Dragonfire - part 2 - 30/11/1987
14. Dragonfire - part 3 - 07/12/1987
25. série - 1988
1. Remembrance of the Daleks - part 1 - 05/10/1988
2. Remembrance of the Daleks - part 2 - 12/10/1988
3. Remembrance of the Daleks - part 3 - 19/10/1988
4. Remembrance of the Daleks - part 4 - 26/10/1988
5. The Happiness Patrol - part 1 - 02/11/1988
6. The Happiness Patrol - part 2 - 09/11/1988
7. The Happiness Patrol - part 3 - 16/11/1988
8. Silver Nemesis - part 1 - 23/11/1988
9. Silver Nemesis - part 2 - 30/11/1988
10. Silver Nemesis - part 3 - 07/12/1988
11. The Greatest Show In the Galaxy - part 1 - 14/12/1988
12. The Greatest Show In the Galaxy - part 2 - 21/12/1988
13. The Greatest Show In the Galaxy - part 3 - 28/12/1988
14. The Greatest Show In the Galaxy - part 4 - 04/01/1989
26. série - 1989
1. Battlefield - part 1 - 06/09/1989
2. Battlefield - part 2 - 13/09/1989
3. Battlefield - part 3 - 20/09/1989
4. Battlefield - part 4 - 27/09/1989
5. Ghost Light - part 1 - 04/10/1989
6. Ghost Light - part 2 - 11/10/1989
7. Ghost Light - part 3 - 18/10/1989
8. The Curse of Fenric - part 1 - 25/10/1989
9. The Curse of Fenric - part 2 - 01/11/1989
10. The Curse of Fenric - part 3 - 08/11/1989
11. The Curse of Fenric - part 4 - 15/11/1989
12. Survival - part 1 - 22/11/1989
13. Survival - part 2 - 29/11/1989
14. Survival - part 3 - 06/12/1989
jaaara napsal(a):
Legenda o Enyovi...Prosím o aktualizaci českých názvů epizod
Mik napsal(a):
Prvá séria Switched at Birth má len 30 dielov, čiže diely 31. a 32. sú tam zbytočne.
An Idiot Abroad
3x1 - 30.11.2012
3x2 - 7.12.2012
3x3 - 14.12.2012
Mik napsal(a):
An Idiot Abroad
3x1 - 30.11.2012
3x2 - 7.12.2012
3x3 - 14.12.2012
Hotovo ;)
US X factor
Je tam mylně dodaná 30. epizoda 9. série. Asi to patří do UK X Factoru, nebo nevím, co kdo dělal.