
Věk27 let (Beran)
BydlištěČeská republika
Osobní profil

Vítejte na mém profilu ;)

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Epizody doplňuji ke všem mnou vloženým seriálům (níže), ale pokud se mi to nepovede včas, může se jich kdokoliv ujmout; případně mi napsat. To samé platí pro přidávání obsahů. Máte volnou ruku. ;)

Pravidelně se snažím doplňovat epizody (nikoliv obsahy):

Pomalu doplňuji obsahy epizod:
The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers | Ghosts (UK) |Hard |
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Sledované neukončené seriály:

Sledované/ rewatch/ maratony (ukončené seriály):

Na co se chystám/těším:

Moje srdcovky:

Doplněné obsahy:
Mr. Queen | Upstart Crow | Prodigal Son | Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life |

Mnou přidané seriálové profily do databáze:
My Holo Love | Kapitán Říp | We’re here | Trial by Media | Great Pretender | Adventure Time: Distant Lands | Men in Kilts: A Roadtrip with Sam and Graham | The Unlisted | Warrior Nun | | Ladies Up | Double Cross | Roslund Hellström: Box 21 | Crazy Delicious | Survivor South Africa | Il paradiso delle signore | Bronx SIU | 4N1K İlk Aşk | | Biohackers | Velmi křehké větve | Dragon's Dogma | All Creatures Great and Small (2020) | I Hate Suzie | Love on the Spectrum | Twogether | Bom Dia, Verônica | Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear | The Stockholms | Barbaren | Lupin | Song Exploder: How Music Gets Made | Marvel's 616 | Fumetsu no Anata e | Emergency Call | A World of Calm | BIA | The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch | James May: Oh Cook! | Avocado Toast: The Series | Alien Worlds | De Brutas, Nada | Bir Başkadır | Kings of Jo'burg | The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse | Beauty and the Geek: Australia | Tribes Of Europa | Lyckoviken | Mystic | Domina | The Lost Pirate Kingdom | A Vida Secreta dos Casais |

Atlanta's Missing and Murdered: The Lost Children | Killing Bites | Three Wives, One Husband | Royalties | Bauhaus: Die Neue Zeit | Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich | It's Okay to Not Be Okay | The Private Lives of the Tudors | Secrets in the Dust | Where Your Eyes Linger | Tokyo Mew Mew | Interviews With Monster Girls | The Sacred Blacksmith | Baghdad Central | The God of High School | Zipang | Nisman: El fiscal, la presidenta y el espía | Tamayomi | Au service de la France | Chokolis | Ossan´s Love | We Are Who We Are | De Twaalf | Sefirin Kizi | Vuslat | İnsanlık Suçu | Deca-Dence | Endro~! | Koi to Producer: Evol x Love | Miluju tě, Pucinko | Life Senjou no Bokura | 3 Nen A Kumi: Ima kara Mina-san wa, Hitojichi Desu | 3 Nen A Kumi: Ima kara Mina-san dake no, Sotsugyoshiki Desu | Nippon Noir: Keiji Y no Hanran | Detective L | Ossan's Love: In the Sky | Kiwiland | Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama. | The Squid Girl | NEW GAME! | Legend of Nine Tails Fox | Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs | Peter Grill and the Philosopher's Time | A Murderous Affair in Horizon Tower | Dignity | Umineko no naku koro ni | Nobunaga the Fool | Jugar con Fuego | Miman Keisatsu | Aelliseu | Challenger: The Final Flight | The Vow | Enslaved | The Impressionists: Painting and Revolution | Trans* | Verdades Secretas | Watashi-tachi wa Doka Shiteiru | Maggie & Bianca: Fashion Friends | Mistři medicíny | 30sai made Dotei dato Mahotsukai ni Narerurashii | Whose Vote Counts, Explained | GIPS | Long Way Up | The Ghost Bride | Gladbeck | Start-Up | True Beauty | Heaven Official's Blessing | Za kokupitto | Futmalls.com | Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World | Mr.Queen | NikkieTutorials: Layers of Me | The Killing of Three Thousand Crows | Sweet Combat | Love (ft. Marriage & Divorce) | Saban's Adventures of the Little Mermaid | Cold Courage | Move | Uchi no musume wa, kareshi ga dekinai! | The Witch's Diner | The Boleyns: A Scandalous Family | Moonlight | Love Scenery | Sisi