singularita napsal(a):
Díky za nedělní hláškoviny. Fajn výběr. ;)
neni zač =D radi robíme radosť každý týždeň =D
Doctor: The Monks have been with us from the beginning. They shepherded humanity through its formative years, gently guiding and encouraging, like a parent clapping their hands at a baby's first steps. They have been instrumental in all the advances of culture and technology. They watched proudly as man invented the light bulb, the telephone and the internet. They were even there to welcome the first men on the moon. And they have defended us too. Who can forget the time the Monks defeated the Daleks, the Cybermen, the Weeping Angels? Two species, sharing a history as happily as they share a planet, humanity and the Monks are a blissful and perfect partnership. How lucky Earth is to have an ally as powerful and tender as the Monks, that asks for nothing in return for their benevolence but obedience. So, relax, do as you're told. Your future is taken care of.
(K Bill do bytu sa pokúša niekto dostať, Bill sa ozbrojí stoličkou a zaútočí na neho a zistí, že je to Nardole.)
Nardole: What are you doing?! It's me, Nardie!
Bill: No... Wait. Shut up. Tell me something. That first time, with the Heather creature chasing us, where did we run away to?
Bill: What noise should spaceship doors make?
Nardole: Shuck-shuck! Obviously.
(Doctor a Bill vojdu do trezoru, kde Doctor drží Missy.)
Bill: But it's... It's just a woman. The way you and Nardole have been carrying on, I thought you had a monster in here, or something!
Doctor: I do. Missy... Bill. Bill, Missy, the other Last of the Time Lords.
Bill: Wait a sec. Why have you got a woman locked in a vault? Because even I think that's weird, and I've been attacked by a puddle.
Doctor: She's going cold turkey from being bad. I want to ask if you've had any dealings with the Monks before.
Missy: Of course! I've had adventures too. My whole life doesn't revolve around you, you know?
Bill: Did you defeat them?
Missy: I did.
Bill: How?
Missy: I've got some requests. I want some new books, some toys, like a particle accelerator, a 3-D printer and a pony.
Ed: Barbara, I've told you again and again, I have no interest in running Gotham. I only want...
Barbara Kean: To kill Penguin. Yes. I got it the first billion times. And where is he now? Oh! That's right, with Fish Mooney.
(Bruce sedí s Alfredom vo vypočúvacej miestnosti.)
Bruce: I want you to leave.
Alfred: Yeah, well, that ain't gonna happen, is it, mate? You can't get rid of me that easy. You have to remember who you are.
Bruce: I know who I am. I have a destiny.
Alfred: Now, you listen to me. That man that wanted you to detonate that bomb... whatever he promised you... freedom from pain, power... none of it,
none of it was real. I want you to remember what is real.
Bruce: I know what's real! I got vengeance for my parents' murder. That's real!
Alfred: No. No, that's not real. What's real is every time that you were sick when you were a kid... your mum used to sit up with you all night and read to you till you fell asleep. That's real. Or when you were seven and you took your silly rowing boat out and you got lost in that storm, and me and your dad were out, shouting and screaming, losing our minds. And when your dad found you, how he cried. That's real. Yes... your parents died in that alley three years ago and maybe that man took away the pain of that night. But there is no life, there is no love without pain. He could not touch the love that your mom and dad gave you, that you still have it in you, that you still have in here. The same love that I have for you. I love you, Master Bruce. I would do anything for you. I would die for you. You must... find that love again. Come back to me, Master Bruce.
(Gordon vôjde do Harveyho kancelárie)
Gordon: Can I come in, Captain?
Harvey: You threw me against a train car.
Gordon: I know.
Harvey: Two... actually. I felt like a freaking cartoon.
Gordon: I am really sorry about that.
Harvey: You want to get a drink?
Gordon: It's noon.
Harvey: I didn't ask you what time it was. I asked if you wanted to get a drink.
Stín: Co to k čertu bylo? Marilyn Monroe si jen tak vpluje do místnosti, pak zmasakrují celou policení stanici a pak nás nechají uprostřed ničeho.
A pak mě začal píchat Vánoční strom od Charlieho Browna. Co jsou zač?
Pán Středa: To se těžko vysvětluje.
Pán Středa: Co je to bůh? Jak můžeme vědět, že vůbec existují? Lidé věří, což znamená, že existují. To znamená, že víme, že existují. Takže, co bylo dřív?
Bohové, nebo lidé, kteří v ně věřili?
Ach Spencer Hastings.. My queen of sass :D.
:-O kampak nám zmizel inekafe
Jinak super vydání jako vždy ;-)
Priznám sa, že Nardola v Doctorovi som zo začiatku až tak nemusela, ale zmenila som názor :D
weverka2 napsal(a):
:-O kampak nám zmizel inekafe
Jinak super vydání jako vždy ;-)
Užíva si života ;). No neboj, stále je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou Hláškovín :D.
phoboska napsal(a):
Užíva si života ;). No neboj, stále je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou Hláškovín :D.
nechal to tento týždeň na nás ženách a ARGUSOVI =D
Opet skvely vyber. Diky moc.
Přidávám se s poděkováním, opět vydařený výběr :-) Z hláškovaných seriálů sleduji jen American Gods, chystám se na Doctora, ale asi mrknu i na I'm Dying Up Here, mazlíček kámen pobavil :-D