Diskuze k článku Hláškoviny
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Redaktor | Cool level: 121 | Lorne Malvo
3. 9. 2017 / 14:18:24 (před 7 roky)

Cooper! <3 Z Twin Peaks byla skvělá i tahle:

(V sousedství došlo ke střelbě.)
Bradley: Co je tohleto za čtvrť?
Rodney: Lidi jsou ve velkým stresu, Bradley.

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Uživatel od první verze | Cool level: 80 | Dr. Gregory House
3. 9. 2017 / 14:21:50 (před 7 roky)

Cameron: I was sad. And I needed to pour that sadness into something, and he... happened to be there. I was in the same room as him.
Tom: I was in the same room as him. I just keep thinking about everything he said to me. You took his side. You love him.
Cameron: That's not true.
Tom: Why should I believe you?
Cameron: Because... there's no loving Joe. He's impossible to love. He's empty and... he just becomes whatever circumstance needs him to be.

Gus:Listen to the doc. We need you fighting the good fight.
Setrakain: And what would you know about the good fight, Mr. Elizalde? When you had the chance to stand with us, you... ran off. Throwing in with the likes of Alonso Creem.
Gus: Hey... I'm just trying to get by like everybody else.
Setrakain: That is exactly why the Master won... because people "try to get by." First with silence, then with comfort, then with... collaboration.

(Eph ukáže Setrakainovi fotku zariadenia, ktoré našli spolu s Alex.)
Eph: It was an industrial farm. It wasn't for cattle or pigs. It's for us. The Partnership is a ruse. A way to control the populace until the cities can be emptied
and ship the people to these places.
Setrakain: I've seen this before. In the war. This is what the Master learned in the death camps as he was... feeding on us. How to subjugate an entire people,
And how to coerce them into obedience and organizing and administrating their own demise. He learned it from us.

(Eph sa stará o Setrakaina.)
Setrakain: This is the version of you I remember most.
Eph: Which version is that?
Setrakain: The one who never gives up on the people he cares about.

(Eph povedal Setrakainovi čo sa stalo so Zackom.)
Setrakain: The Master took my wife. Tricked me... into leaving her alone so he could turn her because he wanted me to live with that guilt. You've carried yours for nine months. I've carried mine for more than 50 years. This... is what the Master does to those who defy him. This... is the price we pay. But... you must not allow this to weaken your resolve. You did not put that detonator in Zack's hand. The Master did. It was he who turned your wife and used her to warp your son's mind. Not you! You must hold tight to that truth.

(Jesse a Tulip stoja pred bažinou, z ktorej nechávajú vytiahnúť sanitku s tajomným kovbojom.)
Tulip: After everything he did... you put him in the goddamn swamp?! He can't hurt anyone from in there. You lied, Jesse.
Jesse: I'm sorry.
Tulip: You still lied.
Jesse: Well, you lied, too.
Tulip: When?
Jesse: "When?" You want a list?

(Jordan má príhovor na zásnubnom večierku Belly a Kennyho. Počas neho sa objavujú zábery na to kde sa, ktorý člen nemocnice ocitol. Paul išiel s Amirou do Sýrie. Shannon sa vrátila na kliniku do jej mesta. Drew odišiel na výcvik Rangerov. Jordan, TC a Scott ostali v meste, kde vedú výcvikový program vedený SA Memorial.)
Jordan: Good evening, everyone. On behalf of Kenny, Bella, and the Cummings family, I would like to welcome you to the party. When two people find each other,
they embark upon a journey. And on that journey, two become one... a single force stronger than its previous parts. And no amount of time, space, or matter can sever that bond. It's unbreakable. Things you once thought the others' business becomes yours. When they laugh, you laugh. When they cry, you cry. And when they hurt, well,
you better believe you're hurting, too. The journey is a shared experience of love and mercy, triumph and tragedy, hope and pain. Now there will be ups and downs.
You know, as they say, man plans, God laughs,but if you can push through the struggle, fight through the pain, you can make it through anything. Let this night be a reminder that whatever the future brings, every fear, every moment of happiness or sorrow, you'll be stronger in the face of it. Because whether you're in each other's arms... Or halfway around the world... you'll be facing it together. So, everyone, I think that deserves a toast to Kenny and Bella.

Gallifrey fall no more!
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Dlouholetý uživatel | Cool level: 28 | Timothy McGee
3. 9. 2017 / 14:58:34 (před 7 roky)

Jsem hrozně ráda, že se v The Strain zase objevil Setrakian! :3 V Ouroboros byl skvělý.

Always be yourself. Unless you can be a dragon... then always be a dragon.
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Redaktor | Cool level: 75 | poručík Horatio Caine
3. 9. 2017 / 15:40:12 (před 7 roky)

To, čo neprešlo do článku z GoT:)

(Jaime a Bronn stojí na hradbách a pozorují armádu Neposkvrněných.)

Bronn: Men without cocks. You wouldn't find me fighting in an army if I had no cock. What's leftto fight for?
Jaime: Gold?
Bronn: I spent my life around soldiers. What do you think they spend that gold on?
Jaime: Family.
Bronn: Not without a cock, you don't.
Jaime: Maybe it really is all cocks in the end.
Bronn: Yet, your brother has chosen to side with the cockless.
Jaime: Yes, he's always been a champion of the downtrodden.

(Samwell přijel na Zimohrad a jde za Branem do pokoje.)

Samwell: What happened to you beyond the Wall?
Bran: I became the Three-Eyed Raven.
Samwell: Oh! I don't know what that means.

(Jaime se dozvěděl, že Cersei nehodlá dodržet svůj slib o spoječné vojně proti Býlím chodcům.)

Jaime: You pledged our forces to fight our common enemy...
Cersei: I'll say whatever I need to say to ensure the survival of our house. You expect me to trust the man who murdered our father? You expect me to command our troops to fight beside foreign scum, to fight for the Dragon Queen?
Jaime: You saw it with your own eyes. You saw a dead man trying to kill us.
Cersei: I saw it burn. If dragons can't stop them, if Dothraki and Unsullied and Northmen can't stop them, how will our armies make a difference?
Jaime: This isn't about noble houses, this is about the living and the dead!
Cersei: And I intend to stay amongst the living. Let the Stark boy and his
new queen defend the North. We stay here where we've always been.
Jaime: I made a promise.
Cersei: Our child will rule Westeros.
Jaime: Our child will never be born if the dead come south.
Cersei: The monsters are real. The white walkers, the dragons, the Dothraki screamers...All the frightening stories we heard when we were young, they're all real. So be it. Let the monsters kill each other. And while they battle in the North, we take back the lands that belong to us.
Jaime: And then what?
Cersei: And then we rule.

"I wake pies and make the dead. That was creepy. I make pies and wake the dead." Ned The Piemaker
Editováno: 1x | Naposledy: 3. 9. 2017 / 15:45:02
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Dlouholetý uživatel | Cool level: 14 | Emma Swan
3. 9. 2017 / 16:19:22 (před 7 roky)

Táto séria Trónov bola bohatá na hlášky, či už dramatické alebo vtipné :)

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Dlouholetý uživatel | Cool level: 32 | Debra Morgan
3. 9. 2017 / 18:12:14 (před 7 roky)

Moc pěkná hromada hlášek, díky všem za výběr :-)