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Dlouholetý uživatel | Cool level: 14 | Emma Swan
8. 10. 2017 / 14:26:30 (před 7 roky)

Táto časť BBT sa ozaj vydarila :D Hlavné tá scéna s mailom :D

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Uživatel od první verze | Cool level: 80 | Dr. Gregory House
8. 10. 2017 / 14:35:53 (před 7 roky)

(Max a Leroy sú unesení tajnou organizáciou.)
Barry: I'm Barry. I'm your kidnapper. And I work for a top secret government agency. And, unfortunately, that's all I can say about that. That's not very fair, is it? I
work for the Bureau Underground. We investigate the paranormal and anything outside the scientific realm.

(Annie premeriava spútaného Maxa.)
Max: Wh-What are you doing?
Annie: I am measuring in case I need to build you body armor. Or a coffin. Probably just body armor.

(Danny a Steve prenasledujú Dunclaira, ktorý sa nachádzal v dome hackera, po ktorom išli, keď sa k ním pripojí aj Tani.)
Steve: What the hell were you doing in there?
Tani: You told me to identify MiZchief and report back.
Steve: Go back to the house.
Danny: (Tani preskočí plot) That's funny.
Steve: What's funny?
Danny: Unpredictable, stubborn, crazy. She's the female you.

(Danny, Steve, Lou, Tani a Dunclair sa schovali pred ohňom v chatke.)
Danny: How much time do we have?
Steve: Five people, less than a thousand square feet. We're gonna run out of O2 before we burn to death.
Danny: You could've lied, you know?

(Danny bol navštíviť Tani a potom sa stretol so Steveom v reštaurácii.)
Steve: Hey. How's, uh... how's Tani? She all right?
Danny: Yeah, she's good. She, uh, says she feels like she smoked a thousand packs of cigarettes. She's, uh... she's fine. I think she's gotta get her head examined, though.
Steve: What are you talking about?
Danny: She's coming back tomorrow.

(Roger opravuje pokazené auto.)
Brianna: (napodobní Fionu) "Will you have some cream on your scone, Roger?" You know she has a crush on you.
Roger: Fiona? Och, no. She just likes being helpful.
Brianna: You know, at first I thought maybe Fiona was your girlfriend.
Roger: Girlfri... Girlfriend? Fiona? No. I mean, I have girls who are friends, but not one I'd call a... and I don't... there's no... I don't have a girlfriend.

(Jamie, ktorý vystupuje na panstve pod menom Alex sa vyspal s Lady Genevou.)
Geneva: I love you, Alex.
Alex: It's not love, My Lady. It's just the feelings I've roused in yer body. It's strong. But it's not the same thing as love.
Geneva: What is the difference between them?
Alex: This... What ye feel for me now, ye could have with any other man. It's not particular. Well, love is... when you give yer heart and soul to another.

Joe: Gordon and I are getting started on a new idea that sprang from a whiff of a hint of a nothing comment you made, and I just want to be sure... human to human... that you're not planning to do something to screw us.
Donna: Jesus Christ! What kind of person do you think I am?
Joe: You tried to get me kicked off the browser project. You stole our idea for the Web index, and those are just the California crimes. Don't get me started on Texas.

Gallifrey fall no more!
Editováno: 1x | Naposledy: 8. 10. 2017 / 14:36:07
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Dlouholetý uživatel | Cool level: 32 | Debra Morgan
8. 10. 2017 / 18:09:26 (před 7 roky)

Tento týden se to pěkně rozjelo, samé povedené hlášky. Posílám tradiční poděkování všem, navíc díky Kahlan za doplnění tady :-)

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Uživatel od první verze | Cool level: 80 | Dr. Gregory House
8. 10. 2017 / 20:15:40 (před 7 roky)
Nira napsal(a):

Tento týden se to pěkně rozjelo, samé povedené hlášky. Posílám tradiční poděkování všem, navíc díky Kahlan za doplnění tady :-)

tak tak, seriály už len pribúdajú a výber sa zväčšuje =D neni začo, ja vždy rada takto prispejem aj navyše =D

Gallifrey fall no more!
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Dlouholetý uživatel | Cool level: 15 | Christopher Turk
9. 10. 2017 / 12:30:07 (před 7 roky)

Dost dobré:-)

Kolečkové brusle, sci-fi, Cimrman a sarkasmus -to je moje!